
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - General Discussions < 2013 Secret Santa! (No more entries) (Send Gifts)
2013 Secret Santa! (No more entries) (Send Gifts)
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2013 Secret Santa! (No more entries) (Send Gifts)
December 12, 2013 10:47:44pm (This post was last modified: December 24, 2013 6:52:23pm by Applejack.)
    Post: #1 
2013 Secret Santa! (No more entries) (Send Gifts)
Okay, I have decided to indirectly help Alan and make a Secret Santa via the forums instead of adding it to the RPG. I take it he's busy with school among other things so I'll do this since it really has become an annual thing on Creed. What a Secret Santa is, is you give someone a gift and receive a gift in return. Unlike the one on the RPG, I wont limit people to how many they can send but just remember that you wont automatically get that same amount back. I also would like to point out that 1 shiny is the minimum when you send a pokemon. No coins will be accepted either. Which means you can't use this to try to gain value by sending a map pokemon to someone in the hopes that you'll make profit off of it. I will also tell you that you will be sending ME the pokemon to make sure that you guys do not try to send map pokemon. I can have zapdos check your trades to see if you actually did try doing that.

There is one thing that i'd also like to say before I get further into it and that is the whole point of this is to show kindness to all the players on this game. I will NOT tell you at all who you got when it comes to sending and receiving. The main reason why is because I do not want people getting other people that they don't really care for and then just sending them useless garbage just to spite them. I also won't tell you when you receive the gift because i'm not going to have people start a war against one another because they thought the gift was poor. The point of this, again, is so that we can share what we've accomplished and to show acts of kindness to people, not to spite them or consider them "cheap."

Now, the final thing is to show who has joined and what not. I will use a random generator to pair people up, you can't pick who you want to pair up with. Nor can you pick the spot you want on the list. Your spot wont make any difference when it comes to who you get.

The registration for this will go until the 22nd of December. Once that time hits, you have 3 days to CREATE TRADES TO ME. I put that in bold so people know not to use the send action. It's much easier for me to figure out who's sent what. Do not post what you're sending either. Since it seems to be happening a lot, do not send me the stuff until the 22nd. I want to get everyone who wants to join put in first. Also, you are allowed to enter ONCE. Any person with more than 1 account is banned from entering.

1. Applejack (Received)
2. zapdos (Received)
3. Amathyst (Received)
4. alexrazorblade (Received)
5. lilpikachu313
6. Justin Vincible (Received)
7. Klade (Received)
8. allstarhayden (Received)
9. LucarioLegends (Received)
10. kat59757
11. yugioh646
12. Shinxey (Received)
13. RichKidDre (Received)
14. catcherpro (Received)
15. cooljoshy3 (Received)
16. Adam maiden (Received)
17. BourneAgain (Received)
18. Zues196 (Received)
19. arturocastroo (Received)
20. eves44 (Received)
21. nephew34 (Received)
22. snorunt (Received)
23. Dyrus (Received)
24. allzwll (Received)
25. kev9821 (Received)
26. abcywe (Received)
27. bond07 (Received)
28. Travissharigan
29. youngswitch0113 (Received)
30. supercooolbro5
31. raztony (Received)
32. kotetsu (Received)
33. Cyprum (Received)
34. Nuggets
35. macger34 (Received)
36. Arsenic212 (Received)
37. daviscol1658 (Received)
38. 1dogzilla
39. GrimReaper (Received)
40. Varunmayya (Received)
41. Damian (Received)
42. stevo09 (Received)
43. jack73355 (Received)
44. ENERGIExSHOT (Received)
45. store14
46. Shigi (Received)
47. Dualot (Received)
48. poishis
49. Serah (Received)
50. Erthy5 (Received)
51. joeysparky234 (Received)
52. Elite trainer (Received)
53. valcorey101 (Received)
54. attacker (Received)
55. Dark Mew (Received)
56. hugmon (Received)
57. hannahp12
58. skylermay
59. Queenx (Received)

Striked people are ones who are banned who I seriously doubt will send anything or quit and decided to not join in on the Secret Santa.

Last but not least, hopefully all of you have a Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa or any other holiday that's celebrated.

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Thanks Katiesoar
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December 12, 2013 10:50:11pm
    Post: #2 
I'm in it, please. :)

Thank you.
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December 12, 2013 10:53:36pm
    Post: #3 
I'm in. c:

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December 12, 2013 11:02:52pm
    Post: #4 
I'm in. :)

Click below to take a wish!
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Climbing the mountain, never coming down
Break into the contents, never falling down

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Thanks to Campt, Anarchy, Amy Rose and more not listed. I can't remember everyone's names, but know that I cherish what you've done for me!

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December 12, 2013 11:02:53pm
    Post: #5 
im in it :)
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December 12, 2013 11:05:13pm
    Post: #6 
All people added. Also be sure to read the whole thread so you know exactly what you need to be doing.

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Thanks Katiesoar
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December 12, 2013 11:09:25pm
    Post: #7 
I'm in :) Happy Holidays to all

Trainer #- 6440
Luminous Luxray and Cursed Tyranitar
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December 12, 2013 11:12:36pm
    Post: #8 
I'm in

[you must login to view images][you must login to view images][/img]Check this out if u need training.
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December 12, 2013 11:15:02pm
    Post: #9 
im in thanks apple

[you must login to view links] - Shop
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December 12, 2013 11:20:08pm
    Post: #10 
I'm in too!

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December 12, 2013 11:43:06pm
    Post: #11 
Everyone added so far, I hope.

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Thanks Katiesoar
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December 12, 2013 11:43:57pm
    Post: #12 
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December 13, 2013 12:04:09am
    Post: #13 
I'm in. :D

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
[you must login to view links] <---
[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
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^smol grape boi

[you must login to view images]
^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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December 13, 2013 12:13:12am
    Post: #14 
I'd like to participate.

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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[you must login to view images] made by theman1357
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Made by Mother Espeon (thank you :3)

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made by blackheartwarrior :)

[you must login to view images]
Made be complanboy :)

[you must login to view images]Made by kyogy :)
[you must login to view images] made by Moderator mark :)
[you must login to view images]
made by kyogy :)
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December 13, 2013 1:03:40am
    Post: #15 
im in
the person im paired up with will get the gift of a life time!

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