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Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Bugs/Errors < Inaccurate Rep numbers
Inaccurate Rep numbers
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Inaccurate Rep numbers
July 17, 2014 8:18:04pm
    Post: #1 
Inaccurate Rep numbers
There are certain users in forums that have inaccurate rate numbers because the amount of people that rated the person does not match the total reputation.

For example - [you must login to view links]

It says there are 11 positives, and 38 total reputation.
Even if it's all +3 it doesn't add up to 38.

I don't think all of them does it, but there are a couple I have seen.

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July 17, 2014 9:15:41pm
    Post: #2 
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July 17, 2014 11:08:31pm
    Post: #3 
Wassat my Reputation as the Example?

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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July 17, 2014 11:52:12pm
    Post: #4 
I kinda get what you are saying Liberty.
Even if it is deleted, then the total reputation should decrease also.

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July 17, 2014 11:53:14pm
    Post: #5 
No for some reason +3s don't count as a positive. Da Man could prolly go fix that, I forgot to post this. lol

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July 18, 2014 9:19:45am (This post was last modified: July 18, 2014 9:20:25am by Da Man.)
    Post: #6 
Inaccurate Rep numbers
I'll try look into this, thanks for reporting it. :)

Can you tell me which user this is? (the example shown on the screenshot you provided).

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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July 18, 2014 9:34:30am
    Post: #7 
Da Man:

It's BlueLink9001
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July 18, 2014 5:02:11pm
    Post: #8 
It is BlueLink9001.
Also, amaan6 has a similar problem.
I think what Jeffrey said is true.

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July 18, 2014 11:23:52pm
    Post: #9 
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July 20, 2014 2:06:41am
    Post: #10 
I think its, extra repn given by banned users. That their names isn't showing up.

Profile Hits:
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July 20, 2014 4:08:09am
    Post: #11 
I don't think so.
I think what Forever Alone said is true though.

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