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Coins and Promos Guide
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Coins and Promos Guide
November 12, 2011 7:22:55pm (This post was last modified: November 12, 2011 7:34:09pm by Soccer123new.)
    Post: #1 
Coins and Promos Guide
What are coins?
Coins are a type of currency in creed. They can be used to buy promos,items,cash,ect.
How do I obtain coins?
You can obtain coins through Lucky Dip,Daily Raffle,Referrals,Hitdown,Slots,and Fishing Contest(rod required). You can also obtain them by selling promos and the 50/50 game. 50/50 game is least recommended for new players. Fishing Contest needs coins for the rod. I would suggest these three: Lucky Dip,Hitdown,and Daily Raffle.
Specifics on coins:
•Daily Raffle
Go to games corner and click on "Daily Raffle". Choose an empty number 1-200.
•Lucky Dip
Go to games corner and click "Lucky Dip". Click on the "Lucky Dip" button.
Refer other players to this site with this link.
Go to games corner and click "Hitdown". Wait until the timer hits zero and click the "Hitdown!" button.
(must have at least 5 coins) Go to games corner and click "Slots". Click on the "Pull Lever" button and hope you get a match.
•Fishing Contest
(requires fishing rod) Go to games corner and click "Fishing Contest".
•50/50 game
•Selling Promos
What are promos?
Promos,obtainable via the Promo Center,can be bought using coins. They are a special colored pokemon only obtainable once. Only two per IP address.
How do I obtain promos?
You obtain them via Promo Center or buy them from other players. The older the promo,the more it is worth.

Most I can tell you all at the moment.

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Also check out my New Creed Styles and my Userbars!

I'm a girl. Just so you n00bs know.

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November 12, 2011 7:26:15pm
    Post: #2 
why did you copy my title now people will think we're weird

Along with the Exp Share You'll gets the following for Just 18k Coins!
CursedFeebas x8
All Level 5s!!
Now that gotta be a bargain you can't resists!

Offer only valid for 18k coins so just create trade for those things in exchange of 18,000 coins
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November 12, 2011 7:28:32pm
    Post: #3 
YOU copied MY title. I posted this about a minute before you did.

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Also check out my New Creed Styles and my Userbars!

I'm a girl. Just so you n00bs know.

(╯°□° )╯︵ ┻━━┻
( ∥◎葉◎)∥  ⌒  |______|
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November 12, 2011 7:32:07pm
    Post: #4 
I was typing the whole thing for like 10 minutes so I didn't notice until after I posted it

Along with the Exp Share You'll gets the following for Just 18k Coins!
CursedFeebas x8
All Level 5s!!
Now that gotta be a bargain you can't resists!

Offer only valid for 18k coins so just create trade for those things in exchange of 18,000 coins
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November 12, 2011 7:33:13pm
    Post: #5 
same here.

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Also check out my New Creed Styles and my Userbars!

I'm a girl. Just so you n00bs know.

(╯°□° )╯︵ ┻━━┻
( ∥◎葉◎)∥  ⌒  |______|
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November 13, 2011 12:18:33am
    Post: #6 
You can get coins buy selling pokemon other than promos.

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Thank you, Katie, for the amazing sigs above :D
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November 20, 2011 2:46:31am
    Post: #7 
Haha funny same title

All stuff for trade. Visit me @ Trading Port.
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