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Hyper Beam glitch
Post: #1
Hyper Beam glitch
I was battling Mysterious Trainer and i found a glitch when i used Hyper Beam
I got an ss of it [you must login to view links] Hyper Beam is a normal type attack and Mew is a psychic type pokemon. It is supposed to deal damage but it says 'It had no effect on the pokemon!'. I just thought i had to report this. |
Post: #2
Could be because it missed. I get that same message when Toxic misses.
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Post: #3
nah that is not it. The move doesn't work. I tried it on other pokemon like weedle, etc. and it does not work at all.
Post: #4
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Post: #5
Hmm, it could have something to do with the fact that the 'HyperBeam' your using is the old version, since you can recognise the new version of it (which you can buy from the Dep. Store) as it has a space inbetween and is spelt 'Hyper Beam'. That may be part of the problem, but apart from that I'm not too sure about what is wrong there.
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Post: #6
so then it won't work again?
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