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Updates, recoding, etc.
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Updates, recoding, etc.
November 24, 2011 4:28:41pm
    Post: #1 
Updates, recoding, etc.

Some updates have been implemented recently.

Most of them are bug-fixing and making sure the game runs smoothly - i.e. recoding a lot of the site to speed up the site.

The next thing that will be partially recoded is the battle system to make sure it is even faster at peak times.

The updates you can visually see are:
Manage Logs, forgot what you traded last week? Forgot how much coins you owe someone? Now you can find out by checking the logs.
Your Team, you can see your whole box every page, this is recoded and added again because it is recoded so that it doesn't make the page load any longer if it loaded Your Team. If you are experiencing errors with Your Team, please logout/login again then it'll all be perfect.

Sprite Updates:
[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images]
Special thanks to Xhinz and the community for voting in the poll, the new Rainbow sprites have been successfully implemented and the current old rainbows that have not had their sprites changed will.

This month and next I am having a lot of MOC exams as well as real GCSE tests. This might delay some updates.
But there will also be an event/features for December 1st - Xmas style. :)

Have a nice day,
Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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