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Apocalyptic Schemes (Private RP)
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Apocalyptic Schemes (Private RP)
July 07, 2015 1:13:52am
    Post: #1816 
"I am, but this makes me look fabulous~" Raven said, doing a ****y pose.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:14:50am
    Post: #1817 
Edward facepalmed.

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July 07, 2015 1:16:46am
    Post: #1818 
"What?!" Raven demanded, putting his hands on his hips like he hopped out of Mean Girls.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:17:48am
    Post: #1819 
"Are you umm, how to put this.." Edward said.

"Gaaayyyyy!" Deadeye shouted

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July 07, 2015 1:19:04am
    Post: #1820 
"...." Raven was thinking it over.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:21:10am
    Post: #1821 
"Oh god he's hesitating!" Deadeye said

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July 07, 2015 1:22:27am
    Post: #1822 
"That's a hard answer... Hm, I like both." Raven shrugged.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:23:02am
    Post: #1823 
I was laughing.
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July 07, 2015 1:24:39am
    Post: #1824 
Deadeye and Edward facepalmed

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July 07, 2015 1:26:54am
    Post: #1825 
"What? There's nothing wrong with liking miniskirts!" Raven smiled.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:29:35am
    Post: #1826 
"There is everything wrong with that." Deadeye said

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July 07, 2015 1:32:03am
    Post: #1827 
Raven fluttered his purple eyelashes and flipped his pink and green hair. "It's perfectly normal~"

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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July 07, 2015 1:35:08am
    Post: #1828 
"Not where I come from." Deadeye said.

"You grew up with a bunch of skinheads!" Edward shouted.

"And it wasn't normal." Deadeyesaid

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July 07, 2015 1:35:24am
    Post: #1829 
"For a girl," I say.
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July 07, 2015 1:36:39am
    Post: #1830 
Raven sat on Deadeye's lap. "Don't worry~ It'll be fine~" He stuck a rainbow sticker on Deadeye's forehead.

"Lying is my specialty, but truth be told, I'm kinda bad at being honest."
"Isn't it strange, that it's always the truth that seems the most suspicious?"
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