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If aliens came to earth
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If aliens came to earth
July 18, 2015 1:00:27pm
    Post: #1 
If aliens came to earth
Do you believe that man kind is ready for an extra terrestrial encounter?
How do you think the presence of alien life forms on our plannet will effect our society?
Why do you think aliens would want to visit our plannet?

If they were to wage war on us, would it be reasonable to assume that all waring nations will band together to save the plannet or will they be too busy worrying about religion and all that other crap to care that earth may be
destroyed?Do you think there are already aliens amung us?
Maybe we've already been visited by aliens in the past, maybe even in our own life times.

I only hope that if they do show up, that they're friendly and are open to me throwing them a big welcome party. Hope they listen to Eric Prydz.
I along time ago my friend saw a UFO when he flew out of Manchester, he saw it while at about 34,000 feet on the way to Paris. It was night time or evening, and it kept following the plane, then darting to the other side of the plan then back again.
I don't remember all the details, my friend is dead and it happened 13 years ago.

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July 20, 2015 4:00:09pm
    Post: #2 
Even though I do not believe there is more intelligent life forms out there, (This does not include discovery of bacteria or small life forms) if I was wrong and they came and waged war on us, I believe history has shown that people can band together to take down a more powerful force, such as when the Soviet Union joined the Allied Forces to take down Nazi Germany, unfortunately, the peace would not last, but if history would repeat itself, the world would band together.

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July 20, 2015 7:16:23pm
    Post: #3 
Well acording to many historical theories like, how aliens may have helped in the building of Stonehenge and the conspiracy that Aliens were involved in the construction of the pyramids, I do believe they would either be here to help us yet again. I don't think they would start a war if these theories are correct, (Them helping us with constrution of monuments) why would they go through all of the effort of assisting us in that, only to bring war and destroy it?
But, if they were to bring war, i dont think our communities and military would be able to stop it, they are very advanced in technology according to theory and if they really have been abducting humans and experimenting and gaining knowlage on us, they would have a very, big advantage on us.

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July 21, 2015 12:51:24am
    Post: #4 
Both point s aregood points.
It is reasonable to believe that people wiould band together in order to prevent a threat to the planet, however, it is lso reasonable to believe that the technology of the alien race would be much more advanced than us.
For one, how would they have come to Earth in less than millennia? For our most advanced technology it would take at least 2 or 3 millennia just to get into deep space. We'd have to have many generations on our space ship, which may or may not be pleasant, 15-30 people crammed in a ship the size of an airbus a380 plane while having to live, eat, sleep, etc. They can't venture out because they'd be a long way from Earth.
Would aliens go through this to wage war on us? Is it possible that their technology is much more advanced than us thus allowing them access to warping through space and time?
This is the beauty on discussing the possability of extraterrestrial life forms, wondering what they do, how they live and if they did, how they would visit earth in their lifetime (assuming they live to be the same age as us). For all we know, their lifespans may be much longer than ours, i.e. a millennium for them may be like 40 of our years, assumng the year on their plannet is the same as ours.
Lol maybe i'll be throwing one a 1000'th birthday party. Zoltar is turning 1000 today, everyone gather at the Manchester City Center so we can have the huge birthday cake with 1000 candles on it! we'll have the whole town town here to watch zoltar use his laser to blow out the candles and make his wish for universal peace. we're with him on that.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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July 22, 2015 12:49:12am
    Post: #5 
And further pushing the point that they would not start a war on us is, if they're so advanced in technology and they know we couldn't possibly defend ourselfs againsst them, what reason would they have to take over? we don't have anythign of use to them and besides, our eco system/economy is failing anyways, polution, wars terrorisem, there would be no point in them engaging.

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July 22, 2015 12:08:05pm
    Post: #6 
@Nightmaremoon, it is possible however that aliens may try to terriform our plannet to act as a safe-haven from a war that may be going on on their own planet or one of their outposts. However, knowing the reactions of people in the past when foreigners started settling on their soil, itis reasonable to believe that we wouldn't take these creatures coming in and taking over too well. Probibly serve us right too for wasting our time on things like religion and for constantly fighting.

Other thing is perhaps an entity may try to sutr things up to maybe focus our attention on something other than our wars which may appear to them as squabbles over stupid things.
By getting our focus and attention on them, they may trick us into wokring together and calling peace on our wars.
Of corse, they'd make sure to not use too much advanced technology in this case so their real mission of forcing us to make peace after all these years can come to fruission.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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July 22, 2015 7:16:59pm
    Post: #7 
Or maybe there is something we do not know of inside our earth, no one had really ventured there so what if the core served another purpose for them other than just heating up the Earth, maybe they would wreak war for our core to use it for thier own purposes, we still have many secrets in this world that we haven't uncovered, what if they know more about our home than we do?

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July 25, 2015 10:51:09am
    Post: #8 
Nightmaremoon I like your thinking. Perhaps magma can serve as an energy source, or maybe there are elements down below us that aren't as prevelent up here on the erface or in the atmosphere too.

Maybe they'd be protecting us from an outside threat to our solarsystem, i.e. a race that uses stars to poer their space ships.
They suck plasma from a star to create the fuel for their ships, so tehy can deal with the extreme distances in space.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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July 30, 2015 12:57:14am
    Post: #9 
and another possibility is there may be somethign in us that they need, you know how science is still trying to find out what consciencness is? well, what if the Aliens already have a method of transfering, studying and or using it. that may be what th elook for, enslavement and experimentation, this coul also explain why people claim to have been abducted, aliens have chossen tham to have thier consciencness studied.

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August 01, 2015 10:03:17pm
    Post: #10 
Well i like my conciousness thank you, they sure as heck ain't having mine, not unless I die with Heather Janssen holding me tight. then i'd be willing but only then, under no other circumstances will i die and i mean it aliens.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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August 04, 2015 8:23:55pm
    Post: #11 
Simpsons predicted it:

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-First Pokdex God.

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September 25, 2015 3:31:23pm
    Post: #12 
If aliens came to earth, for me,i assume there might be two reasons about it:
1. Their civilisation is dying, and they want to invade earth to be their new home, and try to eradicate us once and for all.
2. They want to befriend earthlings, a good friendly and healthy relationship.
Either reasons it might be, it proves we humans are intelligent in our own way, that we our emotions pertaining our home will knit us all together if it came to war. We wont let them inflict dire things upon us, but if they want to exchange knowledge and co-exist with us, why not if it is for the betterment of all of us, humans and extraterrestrial beings.
We only have to be careful whatever's the decision to be made.

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March 02, 2016 10:46:19am
    Post: #13 
Aliens visited us in the past.
I've studied about it and there is a description of a godly creature and they came to earth with a flying machine in egypt

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June 01, 2016 9:03:03am
    Post: #14 

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June 01, 2016 12:06:30pm
    Post: #15 
Wow much cool
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