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Map pokemon list
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Map pokemon list
July 25, 2015 3:53:33pm
    Post: #1 
Map pokemon list
Hello, Is there a list of pokemon that can be obtained on maps?
There are several pokemon that I'd like to try to catch including the one i named my account after, Mawile.
This list would be a big help to me.

Here are some pokemon I'd like to catch:
Most generatio nII, V and VI pokemon
Several legendaries

Any list of available pokemon from maps would be helpful if you do not know where I can obtain the above pokemon.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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July 25, 2015 6:49:39pm
    Post: #2 
[you must login to view links] here is the map list

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July 25, 2015 7:30:45pm
    Post: #3 
The pokemons you are looking for are either rare, found only in random swap, or in the forums. Yeah some of the pokemons you are looking for can be found in the maps, PCreed help will help you

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July 25, 2015 8:02:22pm
    Post: #4 
thanks guies, you're the best.

If anybody wishes to trade me a female azumarill for any of my pokemon i'm game. note, i only trade pokemon for either an azumarill, a mawile, or a legendary.
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July 26, 2015 1:49:35am
    Post: #5 
Mawile <---I think currently unavailable
Azumarill <----Same
Pinsir <---I've only seen colored ones
Mareep <----Eggs only
Skitty <---Random Swap
Spinarak <---Eggs only
Crobat <---Raise Golbat with happiness of 220 or higher/ Zubat are found on Ghost Town map.
ELectrike <---Power Plant map
Dratini <---I forget which map that was on. I think Ice Cave.
Mew <---Very rare. Only obtainable from other players.
Amaura <---Random Swap
Eevee <---Random Swap
Dusknoir <---Trade Dusclops with Reaper Cloth (and evolve) Duskull are found in Ghost Town map
Shiftry <---I think Random Swap
Venonat <---Random Swap
Most generatio nII, V and VI pokemon <----Some on maps, some in Random Swap. Some promos/eggs only. Rest are unreleased.
Several legendaries <---Games Corner and promos
All can be obtained from other players.

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
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[you must login to view links] <--- Dre iz big fan.
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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July 26, 2015 1:59:37am
    Post: #6 
Mawile - you can get from breeding
Azumarill - you have to get a base form and evolve it!
Pinsir - breeding only
Mareep - breeding only
Skitty - random swap/clan swap
Spinarak- breeding only
Crobat - evolve zubat (ghost town)
ELectrike - Power plant
Dratini - ice cave
Mew - you cannot get it!
Amaura - random swap/ clan swap
Eevee- random swap/ clan swap
Dusknoir - catch duskull in ghost town and evolve it!
Shiftry - random swap
Venonat - random swap/clan swap!

Legendaries can be got from Games corner! Only Manaphy can be breeded!

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July 26, 2015 7:43:11am
    Post: #7 
And one thing, if you have seedot, evolve it first to nuzleaf then equip with leaf stone i think, then tada! You have your shiftry!

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