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HTML Tag List
July 25, 2015 6:18:32pm (This post was last modified: July 25, 2015 6:33:57pm by Engetsu.)
Post: #1
HTML Tag List
Have you ever had an issue with what a HTML Tag does? Well, look no farther! Here's a list of HTML Tags, a description, and an example of how it works.
Declarations: [you must login to view links] Tags: <html></html> - Describes a document be an HTML document. <head></head> - Provides information about the document. <title></title> - Provides a title to the document. (Shows the text that's in the tab) <body></body> - Describes the visual page content. <h1></h1> - Displays the largest heading, also known as heading 1. <h2></h2> - Displays the second largest heading, heading 2. <h3></h3> - Displays the third largest heading, heading 3. <h4></h4> - Displays the fourth largest heading, heading 4. <h5></h5> - Displays the fifth largest heading, heading 5. <h6></h6> - Displays the smallest heading, heading 6. <p></p> - Declares a new paragraph. <meta> (Doesn't have a closing tag) - Meta data is what is used by search engines to find your website. <a></a> - Also known as Anchor, used to link to a separate page/website. <img> (Doesn't have a closing tag) - By using "src," also known as "source"; it will display an image. <br> - Displays a line break. <hr /> - Displays a horizontal rule. <pre></pre> - Predefined formatting. <b></b> - Bolded text <strong></strong> - Another form of <b> <i></i> - Italicized text. <u></u> - Underlined text. <em></em> - "Emphasized" text. <small></small> - Makes the text small. <mark></mark> - Marks the text. (Usually with a background) <del></del> - Deleted text. <ins></ins> - Inserted text. <s></s> - Strike through text. <sub></sub> - Subscript. <sup></sup> - Superscript. <q></q> - Defines a short quotation. <blockquote></blockquote> - Defines a quoted section. <abbr></abbr> - Abbreviations. <address></address> - Defines contact information. <cite></cite> - Defines the title of a work. <map></map> - Defines an image map. <area></area> - Defines the clickable areas in an image map. <bdo></bdo> - Defines an bi-directional override. <kbd></kbd> - Defines keyboard input. <code></code> - Defines computer programming. <samp></samp> - Defines computer output. <var></var> - Defines a mathematical variable. <!-- Text Here --> - Defines a comment. <link> (Doesn't have a closing tag) - Links to an external CSS file. <style></style> - Defines internet CSS. <script> - Defines an executable internal/external script. <table></table> - Creates an HTML Table. <tr></tr> - Defines a table row. <td></td> - Defines a table cell. <th></th> - Defines a table header. <caption></caption> - Defines a table caption. <colgroup></colgroup> - Defines a group of one or more columns for formatting. <col></col> - Specifies column properties for columns within a <colgroup></colgroup> <thead></thead> - Groups header content in a table. <tbody></tbody> - Groups the body content in a table. <tfooter></tfooter> - Groups the footer content in a table.
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Post: #2
Thanks for making this! I started learning html recently and forget a few tags on occasion, so this should help me out with that. I've got an inquiry about the '!'/comment tag though; comments are only able to be viewed by people looking at the actual code, right? If it doesn't show up anywhere else but the code, that might be a key piece of info to add to the guide. I was also taught it could be used as a coder's note to themselves, which is another suggestion of mine to add. Otherwise, everything seems to be defined flawlessly!
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Post: #3
Yeah, this "list" isn't quite complete. I haven't really had the time to finish it as I've been busy with other stuff.
"Don't beg for things. Do it yourself, or else you won't get anything."
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