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Wrestling news. *See last post for latest news*
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Wrestling news. *See last post for latest news*
August 01, 2015 6:13:46pm (This post was last modified: August 09, 2015 10:43:04pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
Wrestling news. *See last post for latest news*
On Friday morning, WWE hall of famer 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper died at the age of 61 years old. A little over a month after being released from his WWE legends contract for comments made against 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. The WWE Universe mourns the second loss of a legend within the year, (The first being 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes)

WWE legend Hulk Hogan has been released from his WWE contract following racist comments that he made during a *** tape in 2008, in which he described himself as a racist. Hogan has since apologized, but has been removed from WWE's online Hall of Fame.

Rumors swirl around the return of WWE superstar Daniel Bryan, the latest rumors state that he may be returning around the Royal Rumble.

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August 01, 2015 7:06:34pm
    Post: #2 
8/1/15 - 3:05 PM - According to PWInsider, Ring of Honor superstar BJ Whitmer underwent ACL surgery last week and is expected to wrestle by years end.

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August 09, 2015 10:44:42pm
    Post: #3 
8/9/15 - 6:43 PM - Wrestlinginc reports that there is a possibility that WWE Superstar Sheamus may have suffered a concussion. Any updates will be reported.

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August 10, 2015 1:47:02am
    Post: #4 
Nice! I hate shamus version 2 (bad hair cutting)

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August 10, 2015 5:28:14pm
    Post: #5 
Well then you'll hate this.....

8/10/15 - 1:28PM - Sheamus has responded via a tweet to the rumors of his concussion and has stated the rumors are 'Highly exxagerated'

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August 10, 2015 11:18:36pm
    Post: #6 
8/10/15 - 7:17 PM

Former NXT Star CJ Parker (Also known as CJP) has announced via his twitter account he will be retiring from pro wrestling after his August 29th match with TNA World Heavyweight Champion Ethan Carter III.

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August 11, 2015 12:47:12am
    Post: #7 
Lol do you like him with that bad hair cut? He was awesome once when he was with John Cena and his team! Eww... Now his bad hair cut makes me hate him xD

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August 11, 2015 12:59:57am
    Post: #8 
Nah, I was never really a huge Sheamus fan, but he does a good job as a heel

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August 11, 2015 1:14:45am
    Post: #9 
Lol thats what he does everytime he comes back xD

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August 22, 2015 12:13:06am
    Post: #10 
Summerslam Match card and Vegas favorites:
(F) = Favorite to win

(F) Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

(F) Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

(F) Ryback vs. The Miz vs. Big Show

(F) The New Day vs. The Prime Time Players vs. The Lucha Dragons vs. The Los Matadores

(F) PCB vs. The Bellas vs. Team BAD

(F) Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper

(F) Stephen Amell and Neville vs. Stardust and King Barrett

(F) Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro

(F) Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

(F) Rusev vs. Dolph Ziggler

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November 20, 2015 9:31:10am
    Post: #11 
Who is your favourite WWE superstar and least favourite superstar?

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