
Pokemon Creed Forums < Ralt's Roleplaying Center < Breakdown
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August 21, 2015 7:57:10pm
    Post: #196 
Amami heard T'lan as she ducked form a hanging snapped wire.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 8:06:43pm
    Post: #197 
Edward readied his weapon.

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August 21, 2015 8:27:16pm
    Post: #198 
It Attacked Amami and she out of instinct grabbed her dagger and stabbed, hurting it and sending it backwards. She stood there staring at her blade. "But I thought..."

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 8:28:38pm
    Post: #199 
Edward came put of the corner and fired at the T'lan

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August 21, 2015 8:30:33pm
    Post: #200 
The T'lan died and Amami still couldn't believe what was happening. The T'lan turned into red and blue orbs, (Blue to refill T'langen power, red for health) Amami pout her hand over the blue orb and regained strength.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 8:40:46pm
    Post: #201 
"Thought we couldn't kill them." Edward said

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August 21, 2015 8:48:07pm
    Post: #202 
"I think it's the T'langen kicking in, it must give us the ability to break some kind of sheild.." Amami guessed.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 9:00:31pm
    Post: #203 
"Makes as much sense as anything else." Edward said

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August 21, 2015 9:03:15pm
    Post: #204 
Amami shrugged. "We still have to try and avoid them..maybe we can get out through the vents?" Amami suggested.
(I link my account NightmareBloodmoon to this one so if your wondering NightmareBloodmoon is also me =3)

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 9:05:26pm
    Post: #205 

Edward nodded and popped open one of the vents

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August 21, 2015 9:09:58pm
    Post: #206 
Amami followed then smelled somethign. "Wait! quick get out!" She yelled, crawling back out. "Thats toxic was burning. We need to release Halon gas into the vents, then ventelate the area to get rid of that gas." She stated. grabbing a gas mask form one of the nearby singed corpses. "Must have been released when the fire broke out." She stated before putting the mask on and looking around for a gas control room.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 9:10:41pm
    Post: #207 
"You used to be a chemist or somethjng?" Edward said Y

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August 21, 2015 9:14:33pm
    Post: #208 
Amami laughed. "Yeah...My dad was a bit of a...he made a lot of alchohol so he sent me into a lot of chemistry classes, he died later so I went onto art afterwards, that kind of knowlage just kinda sticks with you ya know?" She stated.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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August 21, 2015 9:31:15pm
    Post: #209 
"Yeah." Edward said

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August 21, 2015 9:36:01pm
    Post: #210 
Amami opened a door with japanesse symbols on it. 'It would appear this is it, Im a little rusty but I believe that says Halon gas control room..." She walked in.

Dream team~
Cursed Rapidash (Done!)
Cursed Sceptile (Done!)
Cursed Ninetales (Done!)
Shadow Banette (Doesn't exist ;-; )
Shadow Duskull
Shadow Absol
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