
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < My turn to give back
My turn to give back
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My turn to give back
September 25, 2015 1:03:10am (This post was last modified: October 01, 2015 12:41:46am by kray.)
    Post: #1 
My turn to give back
Well its come to that point where its my turn to give back to the community. To thank those who made this game enjoyable to play and to give anyone new some help into the game I will be starting a series of contests in the chatroom on September 28 and October 1.

Contests will start at: 01:00 Creed time (GMT)

Hope everyone well, see you then.

EDIT: Sorry about the first night, mixed up times. I will actually start the contests at 01:00 Creed Time

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September 26, 2015 8:15:47am
    Post: #2 
Ye i like it

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[you must login to view images] i makesigs if u need just pm me AND ALSO FOR ANIMATIONS OR FOR USERNAME LIKE THAT JUST POST TO Arceusboy
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September 26, 2015 3:01:58pm
    Post: #3 
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September 26, 2015 9:17:59pm
    Post: #4 
Good to see you kray

Always keep smile and enjoy your life with your own way

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Thanks Arceusboy......
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Thanks tanmay541091

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