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Old House
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Old House
November 01, 2015 3:59:40am
    Post: #1 
Old House
So, it may just be me, but I have no idea how it works in the least.
All I see when I go to it is;
I don't like the style or the way you walked into my house.

Can someone explain what I'm supposed to do? I'd appreciate it.

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Back after quitting forever ago.
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November 01, 2015 4:05:48am
    Post: #2 
You need the theme, Dream Eater

And the password is blood

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November 01, 2015 4:27:26am
    Post: #3 
You can change your theme under Preferences. :)

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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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November 01, 2015 5:41:33am
    Post: #4 
Set your theme to Dream Eater, then go to old house and put Blood as password and then click get costumes. She asks for some items and pokemons, just lend it to her and she'll give you costumes. After getting all the costumes, just start from pallet town and go to your town and trick or treat there. Then go to ss anne and move on to next town in kanto region. Again trick or treat there, do the same for all the towns in kanto then move on to johto region, do the process till unova region, you'll get enough candies for the prize. Thats all about the halloween.

(you need to beat the gyms to get on the next region, if you haven't got enough candies for the 315 candies prize, just trick/treat players to get candies)

hope it helped

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