
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < Birthday contest(results)
Birthday contest(results)
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Birthday contest(results)
November 11, 2015 10:37:27am (This post was last modified: November 18, 2015 2:36:15am by brys18.)
    Post: #1 
Birthday contest(results)
So my birthday is on November 18 and I wanted to do a small contest just for fun.
If you want to join, just post your name and ID # like this

brys18 - #20814

Only 1 account per IP.
This thread will be closed on November 17 and the winners will be announce on November 18.


#1 ~ ShadowSentret
#2 ~ CursedTynamo
#3 ~ 3k coins
#4 ~ LuminousDelibird
#5 ~ AncientJumpluff
#6 ~ CursedGible
#7 ~ 1k coins
#8 ~ CursedDrowzee
#9 ~ ShadowMachop
#10 ~ TM06
#11 ~ LuminousShaymin
#12 ~ CursedMiltank
#13 ~ AncientSunflora
#14 ~ 2k coins
#15 ~ CursedMunchlax
#16 ~ ShadowYanma
#17 ~ CursedKrabby
#18 ~ LuminousDelibird
#19 ~ CursedChimchar
#20 ~ CursedGeodude

Post #2 for the players who entered the contest
Post #3 for the list of winners[tba on november 18]

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November 11, 2015 10:37:55am (This post was last modified: November 17, 2015 2:34:01am by brys18.)
    Post: #2 
Birthday contest
Players who entered for the contest

  1. LegendaryCollecter -#98428
  2. erebus95 - #345817
  3. King is Back - 388989
  4. EliteBOY - #357257
  5. Shadow adi- #362037
  6. Batmanashhha - #196377
  7. DarkraiNK - #384312
  8. Fox X News-#394758
  9. Vesperia - #381816
  10. Heyy man- #385930
  11. supremeduck - #308820
  12. Robath - #354485
  13. TipsyNinja - #393431
  14. bennyboy987654321- #186293
  15. BornAgain-#348351
  16. shaky365-#367806
  17. FuryHero - #377157
  18. Jacob99738807 -#377325
  19. putt12345 - #218383
  20. bond07 - #324460
  21. Kidd5 - #350077
  22. manoj4201 -#320222
  23. AnTiN - #224357
  24. Tasdiq-#384453
  25. Jwanso12 - #368979
  26. NightmareMoon - Trainer #369612
  27. IM Challenger- #394552
  28. kalexrt- #359116
  29. Mysterious Garden - #247304

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November 11, 2015 10:38:22am (This post was last modified: November 18, 2015 3:10:50am by brys18.)
    Post: #3 
Birthday contest(results)

  1. IM Challenger
  2. Shadow adi
  3. Robath
  4. BornAgain
  5. Heyy man
  6. Fox X News
  7. bond07
  8. Vesperia
  9. putt12345
  10. TipsyNinja
  11. AnTiN
  12. Batmanashhha
  13. bennyboy987654321
  14. DarkraiNK
  15. Mysterious Garden
  16. EliteBOY
  17. LegendaryCollecter
  18. shaky365
  19. kalexrt
  20. NightmareMoon


You've successfully transferred your ShadowSentret to IM Challenger!
You've successfully transferred your CursedTynamo to Shadow adi!
You've successfully sent 3,000 coins to Robath.
You've successfully transferred your LuminousDelibird to BornAgain!
You've successfully transferred your AncientJumpluff to Heyy man!You've successfully transferred your CursedGible to Fox X News!
You've successfully sent 1,000 coins to bond07.
You've successfully transferred your CursedDrowzee to Vesperia!
You've successfully transferred your ShadowMachop to Putt12345!
You've successfully transferred your TM06 (x1) to TipsyNinja!
You've successfully transferred your LuminousShaymin to AnTiN!
You've successfully transferred your CursedMiltank to batmanashhha!
You've successfully transferred your AncientSunflora to bennyboy987654321!
You've successfully sent 2,000 coins to DarkraiNK.
You've successfully transferred your CursedMunchlax to Mysterious Garden!
You've successfully transferred your ShadowYanma to EliteBOY!
You've successfully transferred your CursedKrabby to LegendaryCollecter!
You've successfully transferred your LuminousDelibird to Jwanso12!
You've successfully transferred your CursedChimchar to kalexrt!
You've successfully transferred your CursedGeodude to NightmareMoon!

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November 11, 2015 10:44:40am
    Post: #4 
LegendaryCollecter -#98428
and happy b'day brys
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November 11, 2015 10:50:29am
    Post: #5 
erebus95 - #345817

Happy early birthday :)
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November 11, 2015 11:11:05am
    Post: #6 
King is Back - 388989
happy birthday to u

Rip of adilkhan - #354744 account this my new id and Gym
adilkhan is back
Elite Four badge in 7Th try lucky day 1/10/2016 [you must login to view images]
Training limit 14T exp
5Coin Per Bill Exp in coin
20 billion per base shiny depend on shiny pokemon

My Top Friends Forever in Creed
1:- blackheartwarrior & Shadow adi & Epul
2:- GrimReaper & EliteBOY both tie
3:- brys18 & zapdos
4:- gambler123456789
5:- LittleE
6:- Arceusboy
7:- AnTiN
8:- batmanashhha
9:- yathinsrao

Click below to take a wish!
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November 11, 2015 11:41:38am
    Post: #7 
EliteBOY - #357257
wish you happy birthday brys :)
and thank you for the contest

Profile Hits:
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November 11, 2015 11:50:19am
    Post: #8 
Shadow adi- #362037
happy bday to you
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November 11, 2015 1:16:06pm
    Post: #9 
Batmanashhha - #196377

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November 11, 2015 1:16:52pm
    Post: #10 
DarkraiNK - #384312
btw happy birthday and thanks for the contest

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Friends Who helped me :)
lugia warrior
Shadow adi
King is Back
Shadman Nazat
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November 11, 2015 1:17:33pm
    Post: #11 
Fox X News-#394758
The for the contest
Happy birthday!!
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November 11, 2015 1:17:57pm
    Post: #12 
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November 11, 2015 1:52:36pm
    Post: #13 
Heyy man- #385930, thanks for the contest...

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Made by TamerzZ
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November 11, 2015 4:11:19pm
    Post: #14 
supremeduck - #308820
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November 11, 2015 4:39:35pm
    Post: #15 
Robath - #354485
happy birthday!


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