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2016 Republican Nomination Outlook
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2016 Republican Nomination Outlook
December 16, 2015 11:31:18pm (This post was last modified: December 23, 2015 4:15:36pm by Tman10061.)
    Post: #1 
2016 Republican Nomination Outlook
The 2016 race for the Republican Nomination for President has been one of the most followed nominations in history. Mainly due to the attention brought to the election by billionaire real estate mogul Donald J. Trump, but while the outspoken businessman has gathered a lot of media attention, there are still 12 other candidates still making a mark in major polls. I'm going to try to give a short outlook of each of these candidates, as well as provide updates of latest poll changes.

1. Donald Trump - The leader in national polls, Donald Trump's outspoken attitude has earned him mass media attention and popularity. Trump's main plans are outlined within lines many consider slightly exxagerative, while many others consider them straightforward and quick solutions to our problems. He contains the goals of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States until the ISIS terror group is dealt with, and very strict immigration procedures which include building a wall across the Mexican border and having Mexico pay for it, and also sending all the illegal immigrants currently in the United States back to their home countries. Trump also favors, yet has not specifically outlined how much, more involvement in the war on ISIS (Unless "Bomb the sh*t out of them qualifies.". Note that Trump has though specified hacking or closing to the US ISIS controlled websites

2. Ted Cruz - An outsider Senator from the state of Texas, Ted Cruz was narrowly outside the top 5 in most polls until a series of high class debate performances and speeches catapulted him into the top of the polls. Ted Cruz now has the lead in the Iowa Caucasus poll but still has a ways to go to challenge Trump for the lead in national polls. Despite being considered one of the most core conservatives in the field, proposing strict immigration laws (including supporting Donald Trump's wall plan) and missions which involve specified carpet bombing of ISIS strong point, Cruz in considered somewhat of a Libertarian after voting against the Patriot Act (Which supported NSA bulk collection of phone data) for the much more lenient Freedom Act (Only permitting data collection of people on a Terrorist watch list).

3. Dr. Ben Carson - This soft spoken, likeable neurosurgeon experienced a brief run on top of national polls. His popularity came from his ability to think things through and his ability to avoid getting locked up in fights with fellow csndidates. However after the attacks on Paris and San Bernardino, Carson's poll numbers began dropping, due to belief that national security is his weak spot after stating he would not have taken any military action after 9/11. Carson gives off more of an 'adapting' vibe, with his strategies instead being replaced by what seems to be his ability to calmly adapt to most of the problems within the country.

4. Marco Rubio - The young senator from Florida, Rubio has held very close to the upper area of the polls throughout the election. Never actually reaching the top spot but getting close, Rubio arguably is the fastest thinker in the field, fending off attacks from Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and even Donald Trump, however, joining Chuck Schumer in the Gang of Eight has made people question his ability to handle immigration. To retort this, Rubio laid out a solid plan which deals with border issues first, then focuses on a 10 year path to citizenship for immigrants in our country. Many also question Rubio's ability in a whole, due to his lack of experience and poor attendance record in the Senate which Jeb Bush commented made him 'A Republican Obama'. While Rubio has no specific retorts for this, he instead focuses on laying out clear plans which include the immigration plan, reinstitution of a more modernized Patriot Act, and larger involvement militarily and cybernetically in the war with ISIS.

5. Jeb Bush - Before Trump shocked everyone by taking a huge lead in the national polls. Florida governor Jeb Bush was the leader in nearly every poll. The son of President George H.W. Bush and the brother of President George W. Bush, Jeb looks to make history by becoming the third Bush president. Early in the election, his knowledge of foreign policy and economics made him the frontrunner in most polls, but multiple battles with the outspoken Donald Trump began to hurt him in the polls. Bush never recovered from the fall and further damaged himself by attacking friend and Senator Marco Rubio, who would deflect Bush's claims of him being 'a Republican Obama'. Despite the falterings, Bush remains one of the RNC's favorites to be president, and has strong strategy against ISIS that involves destroying ISIS's Caliphate to delegitimize their power. However, he seems to be faulty on his strategy to deal with the refugees, first claiming he would only accept Christians, then backing off his claims.

6. Carly Fiorina - The former Hewlett Packard CEO and cancer survivor has fought for almost everything she has earned, but she leaves many questions to why she is even running for president. Starting as a general unknown in the election, Forbes 1998 most powerful woman put on a stellar undercard debate performance to move herself from the bottom to the middle of the pack, but since then seems to have stalled there. While she seems to have endless knowledge on economics and a strategy to change a tax code that is thousands of pages long to a three page tax code, there is questions on exactly what she plans to do with ISIS. While she agrees that the Caliphate must be destroyed she will not lay out specifics, also her stating she would immediately cut off Russian President Vladimir Putin when she becomes President leaves questions onto whether she can compromise on anything. Her past is also shaky, being fired from HP after it had its worst years and losing two Senate election (In democratic California, however), but her stellar debating and knowledge has pushed her this far, and her inspirational story which involves working her way from the bottom and surviving cancer may not be over yet.

7. Chris Christie - The tell it like it is governor from New Jersey made himself known for his brutally honest and blunt lines. ("Get the hell off the beach, you are tan enough. Get off the beach." - During Hurricane Sandy, 2012). Christie is another candidate favored by the RNC'S but Christie has spent most of his election life at the bottom or lower middle of the pack. His blunt attitude only starting to reap rewards for him recently as he experiences better funding and poll numbers. Christie sticks towards the main issues, grilling commentators if they don't ask him serious questions. Christie is one of the most supportive of the military and one of the toughest against ISIS, aiming for mass intervention by the United States to wipe out ISIS as soon as possible. Christie has not been attacked very much, his few attacks coming from the Bridgegate Scandal and accusations that he puts security before privacy with his support of the Patriot Act.

8. John Kasich - The governor from Ohio was at one point considered a very legitimate contender for presidency, but lack luster debates and lack of completely clear strategy have crushed him into an afterthought. Kasich is a thorough thinking, experienced man who is from one of the most important election states in America. One of Kasich's premier focuses was the repair of our broken tax code and Healthcare system, but as those subjects take a back seat to foreign policy, Kasich finds himself losing voters to more foreign policy focused candidates such as Chris Christie and Marco Rubio.

9. Rand Paul - The Senator from Kentucky was originally propagated as a completely anti-war Libetarian. While he as not as much as a Libertarian as first propagated, these attacks have kept him from rising out of the lower middle of the field. Rand Paul believes in privacy over security and heavily opposes the Patriot Act calling it unconstitutional, but he does not refuse to wage war against ISIS. Rand Paul plans to deal with ISIS by assisting the militaries near Iraq and Syria in their efforts to defeat ISIS. Rand Paul also wants to suspend travel Visas for anyone from any country where terrorism is prominent until ISIS is dealt with.

10. Mike Huckabee - The former governor and Fox News host ran for president in 2008, falling short to Arizona Senator John McCain who would later lose to President Barack Obama. After skipping 2012, Huckabee has found it hard to gain momentum in 2016. Promising to reform Medicare and Social Security for seniors has been Huckabee's major talking point, while he also has support for increased military presence against ISIS and holds strong religious beliefs, Huckabee is considered slightly more left leaning than other candidates.

11. Rick Santorum - The Senator from Pennsylvania nearly won the nomination for Presidency in 2012 before dropping out due to his ailing daughter. 2016 has been a disaster for Santorum. Santorum has remained in the bottom of the pack, usually not getting past 1 percent in polls. Santorum is a man of strong faith and is one of the most conservative candidates in the field. Many of his debate performances are emotionally charged and well thought through, as he explained exactly how to stop ISIS from influencing Muslims and cutting away their resources. His strict anti-gay redirect has earned him some enemies in the more moderate republicans, but it also has earned him a small, loyal legion of followers.

12. George Pataki - This man bears a large and almost intimidating stature, towering over his fellow candidates. Unfortunately for him his poll numbers are the exact opposite. Struggling to even get a single percent in most polls, former New York governor George Pataki led New York through its hardest times during 9/11. However his contributions seem overshadowed by New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani's impact. Pataki is the most left leaning candidate of the group, strictly putting law before religion. Pataki is prepared to take aggressive action against ISIS and establish a no fly zone to keep Russia out. Stating "Go do you fight back against a bully? You punch him in the face."

National Leader: Donald Trump

Iowa Leader: Ted Cruz

New Hampshire Leader: Donald Trump

South Carolina Leader: Donald Trump

North Carolina Leader: Donald Trump

Georgia Leader: Donald Trump

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December 23, 2015 4:17:43pm
    Post: #2 
Republican Nominee candidate Lindsay Graham has announced on Monday he has suspended his campaign for Presidency. This cuts the field to 12, but will likely hace little effecg on the poll numbers as Graham held only around 1 percent. Trump still holds a large national lead.

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