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Ancient Pokes Clear Guide.
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Ancient Pokes Clear Guide.
December 21, 2015 3:11:40pm
    Post: #1 
Ancient Pokes Clear Guide.
I want to know tht how to get ancient pokes in clear method if anyone knows post reply plz and post it like tht so i can understand it clearly.

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December 21, 2015 5:28:59pm
    Post: #2 
I will do this in steps

Step 1: Obtain an Ancient Fossil, either through trading with others or becoming the "Ancient Master of the Day"
Step 2: Go to "Your Home" and select the crafting method.
Step 3: Craft the 4 items: Ancient Fossil, Master Ball, Fresh Water and Rare Candy together (Can only be done with a crafting level of 100 or over). Crafting guide is here: Crafting Guide
Step 4: Based on which house you own, you will need to wait a certain period of time before crafting is completed. However, the process may FAIL, causing you to be left with the item "Ash" instead of an Ancient Pokemon.
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December 23, 2015 12:01:13am
    Post: #3 
Why will the peocess fail?And wht u mean by the item ash tht i left?and wht is ash?
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December 23, 2015 12:42:46am
    Post: #4 
Oh it's like taking a 50/50 bet. I think you have a 50% chance of succeeding and receiving an Ancient Pokemon and 50% chance of getting the item named "Ash". The item currently has no use, which could change in the future if Da Man decides to do something with it.
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December 23, 2015 1:05:38am
    Post: #5 
Ok i got it bro thanks for helping.
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December 23, 2015 4:45:32pm
    Post: #6 
I think its more of a 1/4th chance of success iirc.
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December 23, 2015 7:37:05pm
    Post: #7 
Yea i got it.
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December 23, 2015 7:39:48pm
    Post: #8 
Yea i got it.
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