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jd115 #402253 scam
Post: #1
jd115 #402253 scam
Hi there:
A few months ago, jd115 asked to borrow up to 8,000-12,000 and promised to pay me back 16,000. I lent him the money, but he hasn't paid me back, hasn't even made the effort to. Yesterday, I saw that he had up to 65,000 coins, none of which he paid me back. Instead, he used them for bets and the auction house. [you must login to view images] I don't have the messages that he sent me; I delete all of my messages and I didn't think he would've not paid me back. Here's proof that we've talked, he's asked to lend me money and I agreed, and that he could've at least begin to pay me back. If you need more proof, jd115's outbox should have his sent messages. Thanks!!! |
Post: #2
unfortunately we mods cant look at another player mailbox/message(s) unless someone post a link to the message or screenshot the message, so there not much we can do without actual proof(s) of the deal.
[you must login to view images]
Made by: Levi Rivalle [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] ^^^Sig made by Harmony.|GlitterShinx was make by DarkVortex [you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images] ^^^ Made by me. [you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images] ^^^Userbar and Cloud Shinx/Luxio/LuxrayMade by MaD_Roby [you must login to view images] [you must login to view images] |
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