
Pokemon Creed Forums < Player Disputes < I want justice
I want justice
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I want justice
May 04, 2016 2:45:54pm
    Post: #1 
I want justice
when I let Jakestate2003 "borrow" some pokemon to train for me, I was told by the game that I couldn't loan them to him. So I sent them like a regular trade (Like I was giving them to him). What I got in return when I logged back in was the surprise that he sold them all but one of my shinies which he has in his 2nd box

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May 04, 2016 4:12:58pm
    Post: #2 
I dont know if you thought my account was the "second account" or not since I logged in and saw he send me the shinyemolga to transfer back to you.

You've successfully transferred your ShinyEmolga to pokemonlover789.

on the other missing pokemon, what was the ones you gave him to trains? and I will need some proof that you only gave him them to trains for you before I can do anything.

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