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How to make a great Frappe
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How to make a great Frappe
May 15, 2016 11:25:19am
    Post: #1 
How to make a great Frappe
500ml cup
hot water
ice cubes

Now how to make it:

Take your 500ml cup and put 6 tea spoons of coffe in it.
Now boil water and pour it in your cup so it fills up to 1/3 of the cup.
Grab your ice cubes and throw them into your cup until 3/4 of the cup is filled up.
Now pour milk until it's almost filled up,but leave some space because you're gonna be putting suger in it.
Like i mentioned put the correct amount of sugar so it fits your taste.

Enjoy your frappe and transfer your colored pokemans to me !

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