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why just why
Post: #1
why just why
Uhh.It started when my computer glitched me into losing my shadow latios in a 50/50 jd trains it.My level is not high enough to to win sister gambles all my coins away.Ash Pikachu steals it.This is my everyday luck
Post: #2
When I scrolled the screen i lost 1800 coins
Post: #3
I didn't steal it...and this happened a lot of times to me..I also lost a luminous charm bcz of this
Ash Pikachu #397039
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Post: #4
lol stop doing 50-50 trades!!!
Post: #5
drakulara you laugh out loud....why should we stop doing 50-50...u dont if u dont want to
Ash Pikachu #397039
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