
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Market/Trades < Ancient Books ft fs!
Ancient Books ft fs!
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Ancient Books ft fs!
July 26, 2016 12:51:16am (This post was last modified: November 18, 2017 5:21:40am by EliteBOY.)
    Post: #1 
Ancient Books ft fs!
Hey everyone!
I'm currently trading Ancient books!

All the books in this account for trade/sale. I prefer coins, But I may trade them for the colored pokemons too!

Rates for the books:

Crafting books - 1.5k coins (prefer to trade all at once)
Woodcutting books - 700 coins
Mining books - 700 coins
Orienteering books - 700 coins
Farming books - 500 coins

Ancient fossil x8 - 8k each

Note: I prefer trading them all at once rather than trading one by one.

If you are Interested, pm me in game or post it here. I'll reply as soon as possible. :)

Have a nice day!

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August 05, 2017 1:38:20pm
    Post: #2 
Bumping this up!

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