
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - General Discussions < Transferring pokemon
Transferring pokemon
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Transferring pokemon
October 21, 2016 12:49:53am
    Post: #1 
Transferring pokemon
Attention Everyone

For now on if you want a transfer done, you ASK a Mod first and get their agreement first before you send them the pokemon to send to someone else, in the last several weeks (and earlier) everytime I get on creed, I always find several event where you want to sent multiple pokemon to someone else (one time alone, 14 pokemon to be send to one person), without getting my permission to do so, so for now on unless I agree to the transferred, any pokemon that get send to me, will stay there until I'm good and ready to transfer the pokemon, that include contest transfer as well.

if you cant handle that then there will be no transfer at all unless it a contest prize, and you will have to provide proof of the contest.

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