
Pokemon Creed Forums < Oddish's Off-Topic < I Confess!
I Confess!
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I Confess!
September 02, 2017 4:32:56pm
    Post: #181 
I confess that I should start training again

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September 03, 2017 8:14:07am
    Post: #182 
I confess that you should stop towers then

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September 03, 2017 9:54:50am
    Post: #183 
I confess that I can do them simultaneously like I did last few days! #38KillsFrom2Days

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September 03, 2017 2:33:29pm
    Post: #184 
I confess that I agree with Tanmay :P
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September 03, 2017 11:34:38pm
    Post: #185 
I confess that I won't stop until I get something I really want from the fossils :O

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September 04, 2017 2:46:28am
    Post: #186 
I confess that exo > bts

Thanks Jeffrey0
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September 04, 2017 7:04:54am
    Post: #187 
I confess that I started training again.

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September 04, 2017 12:23:14pm
    Post: #188 
I confess that you'll prolly have a tough time getting jobs

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September 05, 2017 1:25:31am
    Post: #189 
I confess that no one is on anymore, and it's BORING.

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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September 05, 2017 1:08:35pm
    Post: #190 
I confess that's right :0

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September 08, 2017 10:03:22pm
    Post: #191 
I confess it's getting dead
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September 08, 2017 10:15:17pm
    Post: #192 
I confess that we need to make a head-count! Anyone who sees this, just post "I confess that I'm on." We're only gonna get one or two, though

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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September 09, 2017 10:35:56am
    Post: #193 
I confess there's no need to do that, just let it be dead if it's dead

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September 09, 2017 6:36:01pm
    Post: #194 
I confess it's getting active:P
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September 10, 2017 8:57:53am
    Post: #195 
I confess that it doesn't matter.

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