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High level Dragonite FS/FT
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High level Dragonite FS/FT
January 24, 2017 4:49:34am (This post was last modified: January 24, 2017 7:24:05pm by EvePandora.)
    Post: #1 
High level Dragonite FS/FT
I had gotten some special free training from rozario [nice guy],
but then I just realized that I wouldn't be able to use my Dragonite (level 2298) effectively for a very, very long time. Never mind, I am going to put it on the Auction.

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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January 24, 2017 1:25:25pm
    Post: #2 
You do realise that normal pokes are useless

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January 24, 2017 6:31:26pm
    Post: #3 
Excuse me, but some characters aren't at the top of the game.

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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January 24, 2017 6:37:46pm
    Post: #4 
Besides, Alphaaa, I know I was so extremely happy when I got a level 200 at the Auction, so what, are you going to tell me I'm idiotic for trying to sell a pok_mon that isn't [gasp] Golden or Rainbow?

Hi. I'm a nerd about a lot of stuff
I may be one of the most feared beings on the game; a Poke-Nerd. Beings like me have been known to make AWFUL puns, and when you think they have finally stopped talking, they remark with the simple, yet devastating "Audino what to talk about."
I'm like this when I make a "good" pun. [this is a three smiley sequence] I make a pun . Then I realize my pun . Last, I see others reactions
When someone responds to my pun with either a "Nooo..." or another pun and . Sorry about all the smileys!
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January 24, 2017 7:24:30pm
    Post: #5 
Yes. That's exactly what Im saying.

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