
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - General Discussions < Biggest loss in 5050?
Biggest loss in 5050?
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Biggest loss in 5050?
October 19, 2017 10:50:13pm (This post was last modified: January 02, 2018 6:33:02pm by Pixelmon14.)
    Post: #1 
Biggest loss in 5050?
Hey:),this is a thread where you can share your biggest 5050 loss till date .It can be anything(coins,Pokemon,items,etc.)

My biggest 5050 loss - 1.2m worth stuff including 2 Golden rayquaza’s,G.heatran,Sh.zygarde,l.zygarde,5 Sh.suicune,and many more small rares.

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October 20, 2017 5:43:39am
    Post: #2 
Accidentally pst c.mew in a 250 cursed v cursed promo 5050.
Accidenally picked up a 150k bet from some stupid funky guy with r.darkrai and guess what? Lost .-.
Got cleaned of like 400-450 promos by 3 peeps iirc?
Yea gampa, lw and idk the third guy, but there was one.

I'm waiting for masoe's post on this thread o.o
And mac's 0.0
Noice idea, ban

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October 20, 2017 9:59:54pm
    Post: #3 
October 20, 2017 5:43:39amtanmay541091 Wrote:  Accidentally pst c.mew in a 250 cursed v cursed promo 5050.
Accidenally picked up a 150k bet from some stupid funky guy with r.darkrai and guess what? Lost .-.
Got cleaned of like 400-450 promos by 3 peeps iirc?
Yea gampa, lw and idk the third guy, but there was one.

I'm waiting for masoe's post on this thread o.o
And mac's 0.0
Noice idea, ban

Sucks that's you accidentally picked up a 150k bet and lost xD.
Thanks :)
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