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Advent Calendar, Soul Exchange, Dethroning harder
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Advent Calendar, Soul Exchange, Dethroning harder
November 30, 2018 11:15:25pm (This post was last modified: November 30, 2018 11:28:03pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Advent Calendar, Soul Exchange, Dethroning harder

This December, there will be an advent calendar! Each day, you can open one to get either coins (1 in 3 chance), money (1 in 3 chance) or a Shiny Pokemon (1 in 3 chance). A small 7% EXP boost for all players for this month.

Team Rocket have managed to come up with the Soul Exchanger. This machine can swap the levels of two of your Pokemon (at least level 1000). It costs 5000 coins + $500m to use, but an 80% discount is available if the lower level Pokemon's name comes before the higher level Pokemon's name (dictionary/alphabet-wise).

When challenging a throne, your Pokemon will receive more damage than normal. This makes it harder to dethrone someone. A userbar for obtaining the throne multiple times is now available. Also available is a userbar for holding all thrones simultaneously for a number of times.

Via the Pokemon profile page, you can pet anyone's Pokemon (increases happiness). A warning that anyone will be able to feed/pet your Pokemon by Jan/Feb 2019 - where feeding a Pokemon will give it a bit of experience (unless it holds an EXP lock or is under level 1000). Each interaction can only be done once by each IP address.

Recent 50/50 Trades can be viewed in the Games Corner. Gradient usernames are now visible in mailbox, Pokemon rankings and clan list. Friends list sorted by last active time. EXP lock is 5 times cheaper.

Smell ya later!
- Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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