
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < The Fourth Hunger Games [Results Released!]
The Fourth Hunger Games [Results Released!]
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The Fourth Hunger Games [Results Released!]
December 02, 2018 11:23:20am (This post was last modified: December 29, 2018 2:50:19am by gambler123456789.)
    Post: #1 
The Fourth Hunger Games [Results Released!]
Hello All! Welcome to The Fourth Creed Hunger Games!

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Daily Announcements/Updates:

- Results released! Thanks everyone!

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Bonus Prize Winners:

Best Assassin: Tie between EliteBOY and Tasdiq both getting 4 kills, used to decide and winner was EliteBOY!

Best Scavenger: Pixelmon14 scavenged the most items from events! (13)

Event: No Current Event


I remember from the last games that a list of all in game items was requested, so I have listed all of the items in this contest with their effects :)

All listed items can be found in events, packages and from killing other tributes. Some are rarer than others. Additionally, I will automatically attach your strongest weapon and armour, and heal any health issues, unless you pm me otherwise. Please note that occasionally, special items not listed below are added into the game.

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Information (Recommended to read):

During this contest, tributes will not only be up against other tributes, but other threats may kill them off. Tributes can die from injury and illness, as well as any additional threats I throw into the game. These can be cured, prevented or aided using items you collect such as health packs, armour etc.

On the topic of collectable items, tributes may randomly find, win, collect or raid (from tributes they kill) items throughout the games. These items may be weapons, armour, medicine, and other miscellaneous items. Items can be traded/given to other tributes, please pm me to do so.

Each day, 2 players will fight to the death. If you have armour, weapons and maximum health, those will increase your likelihood of winning the fight. The player who dies will be eliminated and the winner of the fight will continue on. All items in the fallen player's backpack will go to the winner of the fight.

When a tribute is unhealthy (injured, ill etc.), that tribute will lose 20% of their health each day until it is cured. In the same manner, once it is cured, the tribute's health will recover by 20% each day.

Please note: all decisions such as who collects items, who fights, who dies etc. is all decided by


Every tribute will win a prize! Of course, the higher you place, the better your prize will be.

Below is a list of all the prizes for this Hunger Games!

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Additionally, we also have some bonus prizes!

Best Assassin (Most kills) - ShadowSmoochum F - Level: 5

Best Scavenger (Most items found) - CursedMunna M - Level: 5

I was not the only one who collected these prizes, here lists all the members who assisted me in collecting such a nice prize pool.

EliteBOY - C.Girafig, C.Luvdisc x 2, C.Meditite x 2

Tyizor - C.Articuno, C.Cyndaquil, G.Caterpie, G.Latios, L.Duskull, L.Riolu, R.Shaymin UB, S.Articuno

Brys18 - C.Latias

Yathinsrao - C.Munna, S.Smoochum

IM Challenger - C.Feraligatr UB, L.Arcanine UB, L.Delibird UB x 2

Myself - C.Jolteon, C.Luxray UB, G.Dusclops UB, R.Luvdisc, R.Mewtwo UB, S.Snorunt

Many thanks to all who helped! Much appreciated!

Registered Tributes:

[you must login to view images] Name: Adilkhan | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Tyizor (#23) armed with a Machete. | Days Survived: 9 | Placing: 16th

[you must login to view images] Name: Victim | Skill: Medic | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by OhMyGoddess (#5) armed with a Sword during the Arena Airdrop Event. | Days Survived: 16 | Placing: 8th

[you must login to view images] Name: Liam118 | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Tasdiq (#21) armed with a Scythe. | Days Survived: 10 | Placing: 15th

[you must login to view images] Name: xSkimFox | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by EliteBOY (#11) armed with a Sword. | Days Survived: 17 | Placing: 7th

[you must login to view images] Name: OhMyGoddess | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by EliteBOY (#11) armed with a Scythe during the Finale Event. | Days Survived: 23 | Placing: 3rd

[you must login to view images] Name: Youngdroy | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Nadeem nayak (#10) armed with a Bow and Arrow. | Days Survived: 1 | Placing: 23rd

[you must login to view images] Name: Blackheartwarrior | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by IM Challenger (#20) armed with a Pocket Knife. | Days Survived: 7 | Placing: 17th

[you must login to view images] Name: Young 500 | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Victim (#2) armed with Throwing Knives. | Days Survived: 13 | Placing: 11th

[you must login to view images] Name: Allzwll | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by ENERGIExSHOT (#24) who was unarmed. | Days Survived: 0 | Placing: 24th

[you must login to view images] Name: Nadeem Nayak | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Burns from the Arena Bushfire. | Days Survived: 13 | Placing: 10th

[you must login to view images] Name: EliteBOY | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Tasdiq (#21) armed with a Scythe during the Finale Event. | Days Survived: 24 | Placing: 2nd

[you must login to view images] Name: Yathinsrao | Skill: Medic | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by OhMyGoddess (#5) armed with a Sword. | Days Survived: 18 | Placing: 6th

[you must login to view images] Name: Playground | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Tasdiq (#21) armed with a Scythe. | Days Survived: 19 | Placing: 5th

[you must login to view images] Name: Don of legends | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by EliteBOY (#11) armed with a Sword. | Days Survived: 3 | Placing: 21st

[you must login to view images] Name: JamesZKiL | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by xSkimFox (#4) armed with a Machete. | Days Survived: 5 | Placing: 19th

[you must login to view images] Name: Pixelmon14 | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Tasdiq (#21) armed with a Scythe. | Days Survived: 22 | Placing: 4th

[you must login to view images] Name: Shaky365 | Skill: Defence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Playground (#13) armed with a Spear. | Days Survived: 2 | Placing: 22nd

[you must login to view images] Name: Snorunt | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Pixelmon14 (#16) armed with Throwing Knives. | Days Survived: 6 | Placing: 18th

[you must login to view images] Name: Nephew34 | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by EliteBOY (#11) armed with a Sword during the Arena Treasure Hunt Event. | Days Survived: 12 | Placing: 13th

[you must login to view images] Name: IM Challenger | Skill: Medic | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by xSkimFox (#4) armed with a Machete. | Days Survived: 14 | Placing: 9th

[you must login to view images] Name: Tasdiq | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 100% - Healthy | Armour: Strong Armour | Weapon: Scythe | Backpack: 11 x Health Pack, 2 x Scythe, 3 x Standard Armour, 2 x Spear, 3 x Machete, 3 x Hunting Knife, 4 x Strong Armour, 2 x Throwing Knives, 2 x Burn Ointment, 2 x Sword, 2 x Stealth Armour, 4 x Pocket Knife, 1 x Bow and Arrow, 2 x Weak Armour, 1 x Stimulant Pills, 1 x Half Used Health Pack, 1 x Health Pack Plus

[you must login to view images] Name: RichKidDre | Skill: Medic | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Death Trap during the Arena Treasure Hunt Event. | Days Survived: 12 | Placing: 12th

[you must login to view images] Name: Tyizor | Skill: Offence | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Playground (#13) armed with a Spear during the Arena Treasure Hunt Event. | Days Survived: 12 | Placing: 14th

[you must login to view images] Name: ENERGIExSHOT | Skill: Scavenger | Health & Status: 0% - Dead | Cause of Death: Killed by Pixelmon14 (#16) armed with Throwing Knives. | Days Survived: 4 | Placing: 20th

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

Friends/Helpful People

Mysterious Garden
Adilkhan/King is Back
lugia warrior
IM Challenger

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December 02, 2018 11:33:27am
    Post: #2 
adilkhan - Trainer #354744
Class Offence

Rate:Training in coins:
Welcome To My Training Gym.
coins: 700 coin per T exp
Base: 1.8k per T exp (rare 4k)
Ancient : Per Normal Ancient Pok's 1T exp (Rare1.8k)
lucky Eggs 60 7Texp 30 3.5T exp

Click below to take a wish!
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December 02, 2018 11:35:36am
    Post: #3 
Victim - Trainer #84848
Medic Class
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December 02, 2018 11:37:25am
    Post: #4 
liam118 - #203874
offence class.
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December 02, 2018 11:37:54am
    Post: #5 
xSkimFox - #420575
Class Scavenger
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December 02, 2018 11:38:58am
    Post: #6 
OhMyGoddess - #332277
Class - Offense

[you must login to view images]
Pokemon: LuminousCranidos
Gender: M
Level: 51,418
You gained 5,115,590,897 experience points.
You received $4,113,440.
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December 02, 2018 11:41:07am
    Post: #7 
youngdroy- #4437
Defense class
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December 02, 2018 11:45:53am
    Post: #8 
blackheartwarrior - #85489
Class - Scavenger

Thanks for the contest.

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^^ Thanks Hiromi Ai

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^^ Thanks Hiromi Ai
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December 02, 2018 11:51:32am
    Post: #9 
Young 500 -#355400
Class- defence
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December 02, 2018 11:51:43am
    Post: #10 
allzwll - #334275
Offence Class

Ty for the contest :)

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December 02, 2018 11:54:22am
    Post: #11 
Trainer #386724
Class offence
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December 02, 2018 11:54:51am
    Post: #12 
EliteBOY - #357257
Defense class

Profile Hits:
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December 02, 2018 11:58:15am
    Post: #13 
yathinsrao- #337660
Medic class
Thanks for the contest gammy! :D

Lf bug type coloureds !
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December 02, 2018 1:38:15pm
    Post: #14 
Playground- 425114
Class: Defense
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December 02, 2018 2:01:53pm
    Post: #15 
don of legends-425524
Class: Defense
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