
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Contests < Santa Reaper Christmas Raffle
Santa Reaper Christmas Raffle
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Santa Reaper Christmas Raffle
December 12, 2018 11:27:44pm (This post was last modified: December 25, 2018 5:39:23pm by GrimReaper.)
    Post: #1 
Santa Reaper Christmas Raffle
Merry Christmas Everyone

I'm going to do a simple Christmas Raffle, all you have to do is post your username and Id#, like this:

GrimReaper - #1319

There are 28 prizes altogether, I might add more, On December 24, I will use to chose 27 winners, and on December 25, I will used to chose a winner out of the remaining ones that didn't wins the day before. All Prizes are on my storage account "Wolf Whistle - #96362.

5000 Coins
7500 coins
10000 coins
3x Lucky Eggs
3x Lucky Eggs
ShadowKrabbyF - Level: 5-Donated by Martinez
LuminousTreecko M - Level: 5-Donated by Adilkhan
CursedSableye F - Level: 5
CursedShinx F - Level: 5 - Donated by Batmanashhha
GoldenScyther F - Level: 5*
LuminousArceus - Level: 5
LuminousCranidos F - Level: 5*
LuminousMewtwo - Level: 5
LuminousRiolu M - Level: 5
RainbowMareep F - Level: 5
RainbowRaikou M - Level: 5
RainbowYamask F - Level: 5
ShadowManaphy - Level: 5
ShadowMudkip M - Level: 5
ShadowSpiritomb M - Level: 5
ShadowSuicune - Level: 5
ShadowVictini - Level: 5
ShadowZapdos - Level: 5* - This will be Raffle off on Dec. 25
AncientAltaria M - Level: 5
CursedVulpix F - Level: 5
LuminousBidoof M - Level: 5
LuminousLugia M - Level: 5
RainbowMudkip M - Level: 5

-Dont use more then 1 account to enter, if you do you will be disqualified. Also please check to see if you post already.

- You will not be able to chose the slot number, you will be add in order of your post. also there are unlimited slot number.

- If you want to donated, Pease sent all donation to "Wolf Whistle - #96362. with the words attach to the message "Donation for X-mas Raffle" and I will added it to the raffle.

- and finally Merry Christmas everyone, and stay safe.

1. ProtoType - #133013
2. Fee Fee - #435862
3. Pixelmon14 - #377135
4. Martinez - #126312
5. Playground- #425114
6. Allzwll - #334275
7. Lugia warrior #250216
8. Alphaa wolf #425580
9. Jinto - #147164

10. Victim - #84848
11. Gambler123456789 - #317283
12. Applejack - 146284
13. adilkhan - #354744
14. EliteBOY - #357257

15. Leafburn12- #175018
16. IM Challenger- #394552
17. Nithesh - #241178
18. ENERGIExSHOT - #157962
19. Don of legends-#425524

20. Magnetrise - #86065
21. snorunt - #248390
22. Rozario#18690
23. blackheartwarrior - #85489
24. Tanmay541091 - #358161
25. Elitekid-#432915

26. Tasdiq - #384453
27. Young 500 - #344500
28. 2PacHadNoGA - #435605
29. brys18 - #20814
30. Pranjit-#386782
31. NoHaxPlz#426626
32. RichKidDre # 111790
33. kidd5 - #350077
34. chasejm - #112131
35. JamesZKiL - Trainer #382717
36. SilentXD - #377768

37. liam118 - #203874
38. Realstate - 126398
39. Travissharingan - 36032
40. putt12345 - #218383
41. asd101 - #207515
42. Arceusboy-381395

43. kian8395 - #137928
44. jamesdomingo - #27438
45. yathinsrao -#337660

If You Name is in Green, You won something.

Prizes for December 25:
GoldenXerneas Base
ShadowSuicune Base
GoldenScyther Base -Donated by AppleJack
RainbowLugia Base - Donated by AppleJack
ShadowZapdos Base

1. Martinez - #126312
2. Playground- #425114
3. Victim - #84848
4. Leafburn12- #175018
5. Magnetrise - #86065
6. snorunt - #248390
7. blackheartwarrior - #85489
8. Tasdiq - #384453
9. 2PacHadNoGA - #435605
10. brys18 - #20814
11. NoHaxPlz#426626
12. RichKidDre # 111790
13. liam118 - #203874
14. Realstate - 126398

15. Travissharingan - 36032
16. kian8395 - #137928
17. jamesdomingo - #27438
18. yathinsrao -#337660
19. Batmanshhha - 196377
20. Dechen- #418289
21. SupHomie #73385
22. Ashleyxz - #383811

If you name is in Orangeish-red, you won something.

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Made by: Levi Rivalle
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^^^Sig made by Harmony.|GlitterShinx was make by DarkVortex
[you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images]
^^^ Made by me.
[you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images]
^^^Userbar and Cloud Shinx/Luxio/LuxrayMade by MaD_Roby
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December 12, 2018 11:30:28pm (This post was last modified: December 13, 2018 9:55:15am by ProtoType.)
    Post: #2 
Santa Reaper Christmas Raffle
ProtoType - #133013

Thanks the contest Grim :)
Good luck to everybody too. :3

[you must login to view images] [you must login to view images]
Thanks Harmony for the siggy, it's wonderful. | Glitter Pichu made by DarkVortex.

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Thanks GrimReaper for the Sig.

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Thanks MaD Roby for the Userbar.
[you must login to view images][you must login to view images][you must login to view images]
Those 3 Sprites above is made by MaD Roby.

[you must login to view links] - Pichu at 9999
[you must login to view links] - Pichu at 10000
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December 12, 2018 11:33:16pm
    Post: #3 
Fee Fee - #435862

Good luck to everyone :)

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December 12, 2018 11:36:34pm
    Post: #4 
Pixelmon14 - #377135
Number 16 please
Thanks for the contest :)
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December 12, 2018 11:36:54pm
    Post: #5 
Martinez - #126312
I volunteer as a volunteer.
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December 12, 2018 11:36:54pm
    Post: #6 
Playground- #425114

Thanks grim
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December 12, 2018 11:48:44pm
    Post: #7 
Allzwll - #334275

Ty for the Contest :)

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December 13, 2018 12:22:36am
    Post: #8 
Lugia warrior #250216
ty for the contest and good luck everyone.
Merry christmas in advance to all contestant...
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December 13, 2018 12:51:15am
    Post: #9 
Alphaa wolf #425580
Thanks grim for the contest
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December 13, 2018 1:01:27am
    Post: #10 
Jinto - #147164

Ty for the contest.
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December 13, 2018 1:25:27am
    Post: #11 
Victim - #84848

Ayy Grim!
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December 13, 2018 2:13:57am
    Post: #12 
Gambler123456789 - #317283

Thanks for the contest grim!

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

Friends/Helpful People

Mysterious Garden
Adilkhan/King is Back
lugia warrior
IM Challenger

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December 13, 2018 2:40:05am
    Post: #13 
Applejack - 146284

Thanks and Happy Holidays

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Thanks Katiesoar
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December 13, 2018 2:59:34am
    Post: #14 
adilkhan - #354744
TY scot

Rate:Training in coins:
Welcome To My Training Gym.
coins: 700 coin per T exp
Base: 1.8k per T exp (rare 4k)
Ancient : Per Normal Ancient Pok's 1T exp (Rare1.8k)
lucky Eggs 60 7Texp 30 3.5T exp

Click below to take a wish!
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December 13, 2018 6:10:17am
    Post: #15 
EliteBOY - #357257
Thanks for the contest Grim :)

Merry Christmas in advance.

Profile Hits:
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