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Number Shorthand, Items, Cursed, Fixes etc
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Number Shorthand, Items, Cursed, Fixes etc
December 20, 2018 11:58:22pm (This post was last modified: December 21, 2018 12:09:18am by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
Number Shorthand, Items, Cursed, Fixes etc

Number inputs have been updated to include shorthands. Now when you trade, bid or send currency, when you type "1.5k" it will mean "1,500", "1.23k will mean 1,230". Likewise, "1m" will be a million and "1.5b" will be a 1.5 billion. Commas will no longer effect the number input (bug fix).

You can now obtain Glitter Pokemon. Currently, you can get them by winning a Glitter Box from the Collection Contest. An item called Soul Cleanser has been introduced (Collection Contest prize) which can be used to base any non-evolved Pokemon (i.e. reset to Level 5).

Real-time countdowns - you no longer need to refresh the page to update the time remaining (e.g. "3 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 12 seconds remaining). Real-time countdowns have been implemented for the Auction House, Promo and Hitdown.

Existent Pokemon tool, with this tool, you can now see which Pokemon have been added to the game and which haven't.

New Cursed Sprites - Many Cursed Sprites were recently made. They can be viewed here:

Other bug fixes and minor updates: 50/50 Game, the biggest loss (e.g. most coins lost) was previously not working properly - this has believed to be fixed. Similarly, I'm sure you have heard this many times, the dupe bug for coins/items/money/points has been fixed again. Hitdown has been recoded, occurs every 3 hours instead of 6 and errors related to hitdown (e.g. same person winning many times) have been fixed and a hitdown ribbon is given to winners. Battle adverts have been significantly reduced. Most pages will only have 1 advert at the bottom of the page. Gradient in player names and Pokemon names have been implemented in more areas of the game - do report if I'm missing them anywhere (apart from the forums).

Reminder: Cool item on the 25th Advent Calendar slot!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at Pokemon Creed!

Smell ya later!
- Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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