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Graphic Contest and Macro Crackdown
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Graphic Contest and Macro Crackdown
December 07, 2024 12:35:55am (This post was last modified: December 07, 2024 12:48:10am by kray.)
    Post: #1 
Graphic Contest and Macro Crackdown
Just a couple items to announce:

1. I will be hosting a graphics contest for a new splash page and logo for v2! See Contest Link for details.

2. A new macro detection method was developed in response to an uptick in website logs negatively affecting website performance, and new macro scripts being brought to the attention of staff that have. After staff investigated, we found the the activity has produced negative/unfair results to the game. The new macro detection method was tested successfully against the identified macro scripts and we have been logging results since its implementation.

We have identified a group of users macro'ing, therefore breaking RPG rule #6.

Based on the severity of the macro'ing that was identified, the punishment has been determined to be 1) ban for 1 year, 2) relinquish of pokemon/coins/items to the contest accounts to repair the negative impact created, and for training macro'ers: 3) full exp reset.

For the individuals we have identified, this serves as a public notice of the above punishment. Given the holiday atmosphere and my recent return to working on the game, I am willing to have leniency on those who come forward an admit. Those who come forward will 1) have no in-game ban, 2) have a maximum of half of their pokemon/coins/items relinquished to the contest accounts, and for training macro'ers: 3) half exp reset.

Further reduction of punishment will be considered if you come forward with the extent of your macro'ing. This is a one chance admission, not a negotiation situation. We already have the extent of macro'ing that has occurred since the new macro detection method was implemented and have statistically applied it to other game logs to determine the extent going back much further. If you are found attempting to undercut your macro'ing activities during admission, you will be considered to be acting in bad faith and taking advantage of my leniency and will receive the full punishment.

You must submit your admission as a private inbox message to kray in-game. You have 1 week from this message before staff take action.

- Kray

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