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Happy Boxing Day and Updates For Ya
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Happy Boxing Day and Updates For Ya
December 26, 2011 2:16:30pm
    Post: #1 
Happy Boxing Day and Updates For Ya

Happy Boxing Day and I hope you all had a great Christmas!

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Some of you may have already noticed the new Wishing Well, simply when anyone (even non-registered guests) can wish on your well.
Everytime someone does this you gain a coin.

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Also, remember to collect your Secret Santa presents as they won't be available to collect from New Year's Day!

Wondering what the item Santa Hat does? Wear it, then you can change your avatar to Santa while wearing it.

If you hate having to logout and login to another account just to transfer some pokemon or items, then you can just link your account in Account Preferences, near the logout link. By doing this your trades would be automatically completed if you were to create a trade to a linked account.

Enjoy the updates and enjoy the rest of Boxing Day,

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