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New Updates
July 02, 2011 9:54:00pm
    Post: #1 
New Updates

Recenty on creed there have been a few updates. Like the amulet coin for one. That is useful for getting extra cash in battles.

Another cool update is on the profiles. How you see this is if you click on the Pokemon's name it opens another tab, showing the stats of that Pokemon.

Ever thought it was hard battling the whole team. Well not any more you are able to battle just that one Pokemon. Individal battling nicer way to train up your Pokemon and faster.

Need more money? Try obtaining an Amulet Coin and double your money. Too much money? Buy a safe!

As you may know when you visit the Games Corner or city, there is a new minigame - the impossible game. It cost you 1 coin everytime you lose a life (seems hard). But if you eventually get all the numbers right you win all the coins that was lost along with an extra pokemon. Good luck with that. :P

Now the final of the latest updates is the SS Anne tickets. If you are short with cash but have a lot of coins, you now can sail around instead of paying cash.

Look out for new updates, hoped you liked the recent updates. Da Man is sorting out everything else so please be patient.

Thanks for your time.

Joeysparky234 :)

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