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Pokemon Creed Forums < Oddish's Off-Topic < Hardest Video Game Levels
Hardest Video Game Levels
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Hardest Video Game Levels
December 24, 2015 4:07:41am
    Post: #1 
Hardest Video Game Levels
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We already have a thread about the hardest video game bosses, but what about hardest LEVELS in the game?
Go ahead and post whatever level either was the hardest, or was ONE of the hardest, and why you think so.

For me, one of the hardest levels I did was Tropical Coast Zone 3 in Sonic Lost World.
First of all, I'm sure you can tell that that is a water level from the name, and you can probably already tell why everyone hates Sonic water levels. But this has MORE than that. First of all, there are little typhoons everywhere, and you need the Yellow Drill Power to get destroy them. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, you thought WRONG. I forget exactly what the thing said, but there was something weird about the water pressure or something that causes the color power to go NUTS. The only good way to control it is to let it bounce once or twice on the ground, and then hold down and spin the circle pad. It'll go all the way to the ceiling, but you'll at least be able to control it.
The problem comes a bit later when you have to use the Yellow Drill Power to cross GAPS in the seafloor. The first gap isn't too bad, but the SECOND one, omfg, is nearly IMPOSSIBLE. You can only use the circle pad cheat for part of the gap, because you run out of Wisp power. You have to at some point go down and recollect a Wisp to keep the power going, and the gap is long enough that you have to do it TWICE. And if you lose the Yellow Drill before getting the new Wisp and try to use it before falling into the abyss, the color power goes: "LOL SCREW YOU!" and makes you plummet into it. So it all needs to be timed EXACTLY perfectly. And after that second gap, it gets a bit easier, but you're still not done.
Now, you use the power to go up this vortex. First, you need to destroy the fan blades, and then go up the pipe. If you miss, you die. And you have to do the pipe thing two or three times. And then on top of that, you have the same problem with that that you do with the abyss. You need to recharge your color power. If you lose the Yellow Drill while you're in the vortex, you die.
And then I'm sure you know about the struggle with air bubbles on top of that. You don't need to worry about them when you're using the power (I guess unlimited oxygen until the power wears off, but then the clock restarts.), but when you're not, they can be hard to get. There's a few that you can't get unless you beat one of the mechs (sometimes more than one) and you can't go back, so you're trapped. Plus, sometimes the air bubbles take for frickin' ever to pop up, so you drown standing on top of the hole waiting for one to pop up. :L
So yeah, that level sucked. 'Least the music for it was good, though. XD

So what's your hardest video game level?

[you must login to view links] <---Best contest answer ever!
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^smol grape boi

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^Shard. :3
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^Made dat. :3
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^I made that, too . :3
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December 25, 2015 5:15:28am
    Post: #2 
My hardest level was of naruto s rank mission where i was screwed or knocked out with every hit as you need an attack level of 800 but can only be gained by playing s and all the enemies have immunity shield and doesn't flinch at all and impossible to throw.

The 2nd of all was the 6 majin buu's in db xenoverse pc game .where you couldn't charge or do combos cause of interuption by enemies. I had to do 30min good for nothing small blast to take em out. Which was really annoying
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