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Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
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Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
January 10, 2016 4:57:32pm
    Post: #1 
Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
Scratch's Tale ((An Undertale spinoff-like roleplay 100 years after Undertale's timeline))
The Only Characters From The Original Game:
Sans, Papyrus, Napstablook, Mettaton.
(Reason is, skeletons and ghosts are undead monsters, unable to die from old age and Mettaton is a robot.)

Scratch's Tale is about a 22 year old monster closely bonded with the skelebros, she claims she is a "sister" of them, despite being a lizard-like monster.

So, it is 100 years after Undertale. 211X is the year, (2115, probably.) And Chara's soul has been adopted by Genocia Runners, aka Genocide Run, the most twisted girl on earth. She escaped prison twice and the mental institution countless times. She fell down into the ruins, killing away the monsters. It's up to everyone in the Underground to stop her.

Attack Set*;
((Everything must be filled out with a full paragraph with a "*" on it. If you fail to meet the requirements of good grammar of the english language than you will have to wait 5 pages into the story to try at the form again. You must also have not only a picture drawn or made by a character generator by YOU but also a description of your character and almost every detail about them. This is an advanced roleplay to prove you can stand up to my standards. Every roleplay post will have to include two full paragraphs for each character you have, reducing the amount of useless characters throughout the rp.)

((The ONLY exceptions are Forlater Characters, which can be added later in the roleplay. Untill they show up you don't have to do their two paragraphs, which you will have to ask me and have me confirm about.)))

My Characters: ((Reserved for the next post of mine))
Sans, Papyrus, Scratch, Ace, Napstablook, Mettaton, Genocia Runners.

1. Most of the rules have been implied, but ...
NO: godmodding, OHKOing, dodging everything, omnipotence, puppeting, or assuming every attack hits the foe.
2. I'd prefer you have a monster character but humans are allowed only if you absolutely positively need one.
Anything else needs to be PMed to me if you are not sure what is allowed or not. And a paragraph to me is 4-5 full sentences. Please make sure everything you do is following the rules, as well as PokemonCreed's rules as well.

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January 10, 2016 5:29:00pm (This post was last modified: January 10, 2016 9:16:54pm by ShinyLiepard.)
    Post: #2 
Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
(As of now, I only have Scratch's form, so here it is. The actual RP will start in a different thread.)
Name; Scratch Mizokinaxia
Gender; F
Age; 22
Appearance*; (Will Post Pic before Rp starts) She is Sans's height, which is about 5'0" or so. She has yellow skin and green eyes with bright orange hair that is very short and is mistaken for a short and curly mohawk style. Her side hair, only a few centimeters long, is also bright orange and grows around her horns, which are a duller orange and long and curled with thorns growing on the upper part of the horn. She wears a purple shirt which is short enough to show midriff. Over this bra-like garment she wears a denim jacket with two pockets on each side. It is a button jacket with 4 buttons that is a little longer than her shirt. She only buttons up two of the four buttons, one being broken and the other being the very top button, which she finds uncomfortable when it is buttoned if she ever does button it. She also wears black sweatpants and walks around barefooted.
Weaponry; She has fire magic and carries around an aluminum baseball bat.
Attack Set*; Her four main moves are based around her physical attacks. She hits enemies with her baseball bat about 4 times as one. Another attack is her signature blazing punch which burns the foe, which works like Sans' s poison. Her third attack is like Toriel's attack with the fireballs and such, which Scratch rarely uses. At last her fourth attack is a full fledged tackle against the foe, which hits her with recoil.
Other*: Scratch is a twenty-two year old monster. She has a pretty normal life for a monster in the Underground. She does have a few flaws, like everyone does, however. She suffers from low functioning Trichotillomania, where she pulls out her hair piece by piece, but very rarely nowadays. She also has ADHD and is overly excited around a lot of people.
Biography*; She grew up with both of her parents, her father being the child of Alphys. Her parents died of old age when she turned 18. Her mother died the year before and her father died in December of that year. They had lived a long life and died with no regrets. So no sad story here. She studied Science, Math, and Art thoroughly. She dropped out of college but makes about 30,000 dollars anually. Which isn't that bad, since she lives with Sans and Papyrus.
Personality*; She is a quirky and weird monster who is unique and cherishes that about herself. She doesn't explain her deeds but she has a reason most of the time. She loves fun more than anything except her best friends Sans and Papyrus. She doesn't care for relationships with boys or anyone that goes past the closely bonded friend-zone.
((Canon characters don't need forms, so yeah. :P I'll have 1 or 2 more forms to fill out.))
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January 10, 2016 10:09:10pm (This post was last modified: January 10, 2016 10:45:51pm by ShinyLiepard.)
    Post: #3 
Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
Name; Genocia Runners
Gender; F
Age; 14
Appearance*; She is Undyne's height, about 5'8. She is an adolescent Caucasian female. She wears a purple and black striped shirt that has a hole near the bottom of it. She has red eyes and a burn scar on the left side of her face. She has shoulder length violet and black hair.
Weaponry; A kitchen knife and throwing daggers.
Attack Set*; She has three main attacks all using her knife(s). She throws her throwing daggers in a zigzag formation. She also slashes at the foe with her main kitchen knife. Her third attack includes her barraging the foe with almost unavoidable knives that look like they're raining from the sky.
Other*; Not much is known about her, except her real name isn't Genocia, but her last name is Runners. She burned down the city hall that her information was kept on and when she attended school, refused to write any personal information and ridded of her files in the school.
Biography*; She claims she killed her parents, but they committed suicide in fear, thinking their child was the AntiChrist. She had been put in countless mental institutions and escaped a lot of them. She had been arrested three times and put in prison twice, escaping arrest and prison. She had grown tired of killing humans snd jumped into the ruins, ready to take her toll on the Underground.
Personality*; This child is twisted. There is no reformation for her. She cares for no one as if she has no soul. She also has a dark sense of humor.
(One more long form :D)

Name; Acel Underling
Gender; M
Age; 26
Appearance*; He is 6'4 and weighs 127 pounds. He has pale grey skin and has a dark red eye, since the other is just a socket. He wears a grey and white striped T-shirt and black dress pants. He has red angel-like wings with black thorns on the arch of the wing. He has jet black emo-styled hair with hot pink highlights.
Weaponry; A knife, magic, and a stick.
Attack Set*; He has many attacks, but he usually uses three the most. His knife throwing attack is similar to Genocia's. He also uses his Hellfire rain attack a lot too. He also bashes the foe with the stick 4 times.
Other*; He is a demon, as to Scratch being a monster and Genocia being a human. He has very little known about him as well, as he has lived in the woods most of his life. What is known is classified unless said by him.
Biography*; --Classified--
Personality*; Very... Obnoxious. He thinks he can do as he pleases, a Discord kind of character. He says he should be able to do what he wants when he wants. This made him think he is king. Despite Asmathia, (Asriel's grandson) is king. He is still not mean, but arrogant. He's nice to hang around if you can take his arrogance.
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January 11, 2016 4:39:38pm (This post was last modified: January 11, 2016 4:45:31pm by BlueLink9001.)
    Post: #4 
Scratch's Tale (Advanced Roleplay)
I'd just like to point one thing out.

Actually it's Boss Monsters who cannot die of Old Age Which are currently just Asgore, Toriel and Asriel[and by extent Flowey] due to them only aging when their Children do, and I guess if they are Undead technically speaking, They wouldn't die of old age either [and Mad Dummy DOES technecially count a undead as he cannot be damaged by Physical attacks and he's a Ghost that lives in a dummy.], But just saying, The Boss Monsters would still be around. But all CAN be killed with a bit of LOVE and weapons. :3 (except Napstablook, Mad Dummy, and Asriel because Napstablook just lowers his HP to not be rude and Mad Dummy is only able to be damaged with his own attacks, and because Asriel is literally a god. XD)

Prepare for the makeover!




A force as strong as life itself! I'm Glitter Spring!

Okay now that THAT'S over with.
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[you must login to view images] "Here we go."
[you must login to view images] <-That's pretty much a Midi made by Sans.
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January 11, 2016 9:33:21pm
    Post: #5 
((Alright but it's not your roleplay, so if you're not gonna put in a form, leave and stay away from it. After all, most roleplayers aren't capable of the strict rules of this beautiful work of art. And I can make the Undead monsters live forever if not killed by another monster. It just makes sense. And gods are OP so uh, while Asriel may be in this, he's not playable.))
(And a side note, if you have any problems, PM me from here out and plz edit your post because I don't want a form application thread to be completely negative commented because this took forever to make.)
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