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August 04, 2016 4:39:45am (This post was last modified: August 04, 2016 4:41:03am by Yeah I Know.)
    Post: #1 
A good friend of mine that got frozen a while back:

It was assumed that this account was "Hacked", when in actuality one person owns the account. My friend here took a trip overseas and found pokecreed, he loved it and thoroughly enjoyed this game. He wanted to take that love back with him to his country, and when he did so they assumed he was hacked because of different IPs.

There may be some hackers out there, but this was not the case. I know this man IRL and he talks about this everyday, just wishing Dualot or one of the staff would just listen.

But no one wants to hear him.
just another case of injustice served on an ignorant platter.


I humbly request that this poor man be unfrozen, and on the behalf of his sore heart, I beg you. Please show some remorse, please put yourself in his shoes.
Understand that tears fall from his bleary eyes, whether or not you turn around.
Show some soul! For once show that you have a heart! Listen!

He was never hacked! Ugh, sorry. these things just get me heated

What do you guys think of people being frozen without all the facts?

inb4 topic closed by grim :/

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August 04, 2016 6:41:34am (This post was last modified: August 04, 2016 8:42:15pm by RichKidDre.)
    Post: #2 
irrelevant post
can find here if you like long reads
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An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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August 04, 2016 7:09:49am (This post was last modified: August 04, 2016 7:21:19am by Yeah I Know.)
    Post: #3 
1. I said he took a trip overseas from here to another, and then came back from the trip.

2. I don't know much, but I know he's innocent. (I know you're laughing)

3. He's a good guy and wouldn't lie, he didn't never do nuffn to nobody.
(just for your laughs)

Okay, on a serious note though. How can you freeze someone for diff IPs,
people switch IP all the time, just like my friend here.
(Stop quoting friend cause I know what you're hinting at. He really IS my friend and idk if you want proof I can provide it so just ask)

That's all I'm trying to ask, in short. How do you guys know? I don't have many-
facts, but neither do you people.

I know it was Dualot because he told me so. ;-;
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August 04, 2016 7:15:47am
    Post: #4 
as expected, wasted 40 minutes of my life giving a clean rebuttal
no wonder he's frozen lmao

An early birthday gift from adamwilson! :3
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August 04, 2016 7:17:52am
    Post: #5 
August 04, 2016 7:15:47amRichKidDre Wrote:  as expected, wasted 40 minutes of my life giving a clean rebuttal
no wonder he's frozen lmao

Yeah. Cause that 40 minutes could've been spent failing at doing towers, right?
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August 04, 2016 7:28:01am
    Post: #6 
I just really trying to help my friend here, I'm not in it for jack and
I don't want jack. He already submitted an appeal and no one replied.

Stop looking at me like that
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August 04, 2016 8:48:53am
    Post: #7 
Yeah I Know, i am on your side here. The mods in this game do a great job of keeping it safe and secure of hackers, glitchers, botters and phishers etc. However sometimes i think the mods will only think of the worst possible outcome (e.g. someone hacked) instead of thinking about the other side of the story. I think the IP ban rule should be adjusted because anyone could travel overseas or be away from home when registering to the game or if you log in to your account in someone else's house therefore on their IP address. A message to the mods, please consider some of the other side of the story and possibly, IP bans could be temporary instead of perm for cases such as Yeah I Know's friend. Wow this is long lol

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credit goes to Arceusboy for creating the awesome art on my main and on my storage :D thanks buddy! :D

My forever thanks goes to Epul for training my ShinyGolurk 42T exp, thanks mate forever!

GammyStorage (first creed account)

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Mysterious Garden
Adilkhan/King is Back
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August 05, 2016 10:18:19pm
    Post: #8 
1. The Ip Issue is the the only way we can tell who is who, and we will only banned if your Ip have been proven you was on someone else account, normally we dont goes looking to see if anyone been on other people account unless someone bring is up that someone else ip show up on their IP log, or someone is going around hacking peoples hacked and bragging about it.

2. Since his banned was over 3 and half year by Dualot (Admin), before I become a Mod, I have no way of knowing the situation, so I cant unbanned him, I will like to help, but this one is out of my hand.

3. Like I said before on one of your other thread, these type of threads are not needed, is between the Mod that banned that person and that person that was banned.

4. I have look at every username that posted a appeal in the appeal section and didn't not find a thread with his username, so neither he never make one to get a mod to look at his appeal or he used a different username to post his appeal. so if you get him to bump up the thread, that will be great, another thing, if his appeal goes unnoticed it might because he didn't posted enough information or how Dualot/Da man want you post your appeal, like if you posted " please Un banned me". that doesn't help the mod/Admin with anything, and if you can 't be bother to posted what/how the mod/admin asked you to post your appeal, why should we bother reading or even acknowledging it.

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