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i never got my exp all
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i never got my exp all
March 06, 2018 2:28:45am
    Post: #1 
i never got my exp all
so i was in dark alley a couple days ago and there i purchased an exp all... but after purchasing it, i went to my manage items bar and the exp all i just purchased with 5 exp shares and 2500 coins was nowhere to be seen... what will be done about this... cause i would like either a refund or an exp all... will someone please fix this glitch

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March 06, 2018 2:38:24pm
    Post: #2 
Tbh idk what exactly has happened. But here's the list of people having Exp.All

Check if your account name is in the list or not. (I didn't find it, but I posted the link thinking that you might used your alt/storage to purchase the Exp.all)

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March 18, 2018 3:15:03pm
    Post: #3 
Firstly, I think only Da Man can give refunds of this size, (cause no one has the money to buy one and give it to's not like its an exp LOCK),
Also I'm pretty sure mods don't have the ability to spawn anything other than gradients, - (don't quote me on this)
and even if they could, you would need proof of these purchases to do so..

Next time you make a big purchase like this, record it just in case.
because unfortunately the way you've written this, I can tell no compensation will be carried out in any form unless someone is
genuinely really nice enough to do so.. otherwise there are no rational reasons to refund you at this rate.- none at all.

Now it's time to ask you some questions...

Question 1: How did you get the coins
Question 2: How did you get the Clan EXP @(TL 2,004)
Question 3: If 1 and 2 didn't happen, who sent you the exp shares
Question 4: ...Why
Question 6: Do you have a storage
Question 7: What is it
Question 8: Where is the proof
Question 9: Why did you think no proof would work
Question 10: Why the hell do you want an exp all
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March 19, 2018 1:44:22am
    Post: #4 
March 18, 2018 3:15:03pmMetro Boomin Wrote:  Firstly, I think only Da Man can give refunds of this size, (cause no one has the money to buy one and give it to's not like its an exp LOCK),
Also I'm pretty sure mods don't have the ability to spawn anything other than gradients, - (don't quote me on this)
and even if they could, you would need proof of these purchases to do so..

Next time you make a big purchase like this, record it just in case.
because unfortunately the way you've written this, I can tell no compensation will be carried out in any form unless someone is
genuinely really nice enough to do so.. otherwise there are no rational reasons to refund you at this rate.- none at all.

Now it's time to ask you some questions...

Question 1: How did you get the coins
Question 2: How did you get the Clan EXP @(TL 2,004)
Question 3: If 1 and 2 didn't happen, who sent you the exp shares
Question 4: ...Why
Question 6: Do you have a storage
Question 7: What is it
Question 8: Where is the proof
Question 9: Why did you think no proof would work
Question 10: Why the hell do you want an exp all

Lol nice post

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April 17, 2018 1:39:54am
    Post: #5 
1. hitdown 2. battle tent and towers 3. nobody 4. na 6. no 7. na 8. i dnt have any 9. idk 10. to make training easier
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