
Pokemon Creed Forums < Graphics Showcase < Rate Please (new siggy)
Rate Please (new siggy)
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Rate Please (new siggy)
March 22, 2012 5:40:22pm
    Post: #1 
Rate Please (new siggy)
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Tried something new :)

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March 22, 2012 7:21:32pm
    Post: #2 
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March 22, 2012 7:43:04pm
    Post: #3 
You need to focus on the render a little more, text needs work too, it should almost never go in the corners and it's not very appealing overall.

If there wasn't those lines, the render was bigger (or find a new render, that's too small), and the text wasn't so insipid it'd be a pretty good sig from the looks of it, kinda hard to tell though as the lines kind of define it lol.
Try upscaling the render, taking the lines of the render itself, and looking for better text. Background is kind of pixelated too, with the squares and whatnot.

Effects are pretty nice though and the colors all match/flow, it's not bad ;o

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March 22, 2012 8:05:33pm
    Post: #4 
Thanks both of you. I followed a Gimp tut on GimpTalk was kinda hard to follow, as i used a different render. :/ But I will go through the tut again, and use your comments to improve. Thanks again! :D

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