
Pokemon Creed Forums < Ban/Frozen Appeal < [READ before posting an appeal]
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[READ before posting an appeal]
October 11, 2012 6:27:53pm (This post was last modified: August 30, 2014 2:16:41pm by Da Man.)
    Post: #1 
[READ before posting an appeal]
Been banned or frozen on RPG/Chats/Forums?
Well this is the section for your appeals.

Here's some quick information:

The Basics - READ!
-If you're banned on Chats, Forums or RPG, and it's only for a short period of time, then posting here would be pointless unless you think you have been wrongly banned.

-Please make sure your post is detailed so we know exactly what you are talking about and to speed the appeal process up. Provide information on why you were FROZEN.

-If you think you deserve a permanent ban/freeze and still want to play. You can apologise here to avoid suspicions of ban-evasion and start a new account. Unless you have done something unacceptable, staff may choose to not let you make a new account.

-Please post just ONE thread per account ban. If one appeal for that account has been denied and the thread is locked, then do NOT post more threads.
As most likely, the thread will be locked, and further communication about your ban will be gone.

-Post a thread with the reason stated on a forum/Rpg ban, and say WHY you are wrongly accused of banning, or you think the ban is unfair.
Posting stupid reasons like "it not fair!!!! i like this game so much" is not a valid reason, the thread will be immediately locked without any comment from a staff member.

-Do NOT post a thread about why you were banned, you can PM a staff member.

Some information about each type of ban:

[Chatroom] ban appeals are less likely to be denied as chatroom bans by staff of Creed are easily done. It's easy to know if someone has broken a rule or not.
Therefore, if you post a appeal about your chatroom ban, then it's most likely to be disapproved. However, In rare cases, some may be considered and you may be unbanned, or have the chatroom ban time lowered.
Keep in mind, your appeals are not 100% to be accepted!

[Forum] bans, if you're forum banned on a account, then you won't be able to be posting here unless you have another account.
In which case, you can post and appeal here with a thread.

[RPG] Bans/Freeze are probably the type that's going to be the most popular in this section. But there probably won't be that many as we do not ban without a valid reason.
But there will be someone being stupid posting threads when they've done the wrong.

A plan of a well structured appeal thread would be:

Title(Thread Subject): [Type of ban: Chats, forums, or Rpg] Subject.

Message: Put the reason for why you're banned.
Post why you should be unbanned. - Wrongly banned or lower time limit if you think it's unfair.
If you thought your ban was fair, you can also sincerely apologise and state why you were wrong, why that rule should not have been broken, convince us that you are actually sorry and that you will not make the same mistake again.
Give evidence that you haven't done anything wrong.
Have good English so staff can understand you.

Every information should be here. So read before posting a thread.

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