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Farming Exp
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Farming Exp
July 23, 2014 6:33:49am
    Post: #1 
Farming Exp
Prior to the new farming system I was a very active farmer . I have farmed over 600 pecha beries and a few situs and Oran . I've calculated all of my previous harvest and summed them all using today's farming system.

I should be in the middle of the rankings
I even bought the palace . Over a year ago

I know there's nothing you could do (would do) but I'll just put this out there
To start my morning ...

Good morning

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July 24, 2014 6:48:34pm
    Post: #2 
Ok, um, Autolight? I have a quick question. How do you farm/mine/craft?

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July 24, 2014 7:51:20pm
    Post: #3 
What new farming system.
What is the question you want to ask, as this is the question section.
Good morning.

gavynray123 <--Farming/Crafting, you will need a house. Visit: [you must login to view links] And go to the crafting and farming page.

As for mining, you will need to buy a pickaxe, then go to the dungeon, which is located in games corner.
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July 26, 2014 11:01:15am
    Post: #4 
It wasn't a question , merely a complaint..basically I'm saying, before the farming exp came to creed I was working hard farming my Pecha berries and now I have to start from the beginning .
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July 27, 2014 8:02:08am
    Post: #5 
i think the farming system is the same it used to be

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