
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Ideas/Suggestions < Missing N.O
Missing N.O
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Missing N.O
August 19, 2014 6:40:01am
    Post: #1 
Missing N.O
Maybe, Da man should add a new pokemon that is actually real in the pokemon game, called Missing N.O. What happens is that, you can find this pokemon on any map, and it's very very rare. If you find one, it will not be a male or female. You can only catch this pokemon with a digital poke ball that costs 1000 coins. Each coloured Missing N.O has no difference besides the background colour.

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August 19, 2014 8:19:45am
    Post: #2 
I believe you mean "Missingno" and what I thought is that it could be caught like a Normal pokemon, but could be on a hidden map that would be a secret to everybody, and it would be the only pokemon in the hidden map. "Shiny" could be the Yellow sprite(because you know, Colour :P) and normal could be Red/Blue, and Ancient could be one of the "Special Missingno" of Fossil Kabutops, Fossil Aerodactyle and GHOST(habit for me to say Lavander town Ghost in all caps) and the shadows and the others would be like they are for any other Pokemon, so I think the idea is good, Just not well thought out. 5/10

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August 19, 2014 9:04:25am
    Post: #3 
Thanks for you'r support!

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August 19, 2014 9:24:21am
    Post: #4 
There is "Missingno." already in game and it's somewhere on the maps. You can't catch it but you can battle it. -> [you must login to view links]
but in my opinion, I think capturing missingno is useless.

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