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DaMan may be busy with School/College.
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DaMan may be busy with School/College.
July 14, 2016 4:51:02am
    Post: #1 
DaMan may be busy with School/College.
I'd think he would rather put his education before this game,Then he'll most likely come back once all of that stuff is over. (Which explains why Creed didn't shutdown yet.)

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July 14, 2016 11:11:21am
    Post: #2 
This might be true. But, the fact that he only comes on about five times a year is ridiculous. Also, I believe Alan (Da Man) has totally given up on his Creed project.

Why do I believe this?
The fact that he's selling his [you must login to view links] website, and let his [you must login to view links] website expire should be reason enough.

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July 14, 2016 11:28:27am
    Post: #3 
Seriously? No ? Seriously? Nooo (thumbs up to every ScreaM fan who got the reference)

Ok now seriously (punintended) , If he is busy with shcool collage he can tell a dev t run the website till hes busy , so thats not the case , the dude wants the game to run he makes sure it is run , if he dosent he will let it freefall

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August 15, 2016 4:58:32pm
    Post: #4 
DaMan isn't the man to abandon his game without telling us.

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