
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - General Discussions < dragonboy2 has been frozen? D:
dragonboy2 has been frozen? D:
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dragonboy2 has been frozen? D:
July 28, 2016 7:01:02pm (This post was last modified: July 28, 2016 7:02:54pm by GoldenGirantina.)
    Post: #1 
dragonboy2 has been frozen? D:
Can someone please tell me why this has happened? If it's because he has won a lot of glitched coins, that still isn't a good reason to freeze him. He shouldn't be punished, the people who exploit this glitch should be punished, and matter of fact, if it's this serious why stop there? Just freeze everyone that has 5 coins and above, they could be "coin glitchers".

Nah, I'm kidding with the last one, but it's just to show how ridiculous this is getting.
Why freeze dragonboy? Because he has "too many" glitched coins? Well, that's an opinion, first of all. To some, 1,000 is a lot on this game. Also, second of all. I'm trying to find someone that actually cares. I mean, these coins that have been added to the game are probably the best thing that's happened for the site. In 50/50, no one took bets. Coins were hard to come by, it was Bleh.

That's a whole different subject though.
What do you guys think about dragonboy2 being frozen?


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July 28, 2016 7:46:27pm
    Post: #2 
no is wasnt because he have a lot of coins, his trade logged was similar to the other that was glitching in the past, and for the record, this isn't your problem or anyone else beside Dragonboy2/Kidd5, so this topic is closed.

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