
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - News/Announcements < Elite Four, WTP Captcha, Genderless Promos, etc
Elite Four, WTP Captcha, Genderless Promos, etc
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Elite Four, WTP Captcha, Genderless Promos, etc
November 18, 2018 1:13:02pm
    Post: #1 
Elite Four, WTP Captcha, Genderless Promos, etc

Elite Four has been made much, much, harder. Prize for beating the Elite Four will be crafting gloves, which while wielded, gives 50% extra crafting EXP and very slightly reduces the chance of a crafting item failing.

Battle captchas have been updated to guessing the Pokemon, which gives you a random number of coins upon success.

The first 3 purchases of each promo will result in that promo being genderless and an extra item given as a bonus.

The interactive games (Follow The Line, Flappy Bird, Dungeon and so on) were not working earlier, they have now been fixed and should work with the hiscores.

Lucky Dip streak rewards are made very big for the bigger streaks.

When holding an auction, you can set an auction start/minimum bid (up to 30k).

Bank interest rates have lowered to 0.05% and battle money has been reduced significantly.

There will be an advent calendar next month, with a secret gift on the 25th :).

Smell ya later!
- Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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