
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - News/Announcements < K, some updates again.
K, some updates again.
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K, some updates again.
January 11, 2012 6:14:53pm
    Post: #1 
K, some updates again.
What's up my fellow players,

First of all I hope you have had a good holiday, Christmas and a good start to the new year 2012.

Just wanted to give you a few updates that I am working on at the moment.

The ones that are implemented and completed right now are;

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Sabrina's Shiny Search
Simply request any of her tasks and you will be rewarded with the corresponding reward!

Preview Signatures/Threads/Posts
At the moment you can preview your in RPG signature, forum threads and posts.
This will be implemented very soon in all the other parts of the RPG where appropiate.

Item limit, you can now send over 500k of the same item at a time, and type K or M after the numbers to ease your trading experience.
There will be an update very shortly so that you can trade unlimited amounts of multiple items (different ones) in a trade, it is now in progress.

Also there was a map that was not announced in the previous news, Time Forest. At the moment it has nothing special but a secret "Easter-Egg" will be added there, just like Safari Zone currently has - that a lot of people don't seem to be aware of.

Other news, I will be recoding a lot of how the game works, as when I first coded the game I didn't do it efficiently - so after I do this the game would load much faster. The way I coded restricts me from coding other things easier.

Da Man

Looking for artists to help create sprites/UI/tiles/backgrounds/characters for Pokemon Creed. If interested, PM me with portfolio.[/b]

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