
Pokemon Creed Forums < Pokemon Creed - Market/Trades < Infinity Training
Infinity Training
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Infinity Training
April 05, 2012 1:00:14am
    Post: #16 
Ah, thank you!

Well I was VERY wrong then. It'll cost 4000 coins. :P
That can either be 4k coins or 4k worth of pokemon.
If you're going to pay in pokemon, please write which ones they are and what their level is here so that I 100% remember. (I don't want to forget then not send them all back if I can't complete it.)

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 06, 2012 8:33:18am
    Post: #17 
Not accepting anymore training requests at the moment.
You can post here asking me to train, but you may not get a reply whatsoever until I finish the training currently on the waiting list.

It will be a few days depending on how fast I manage to train.
I'll message anyone who asks for training to check this thread after I've finished training.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 07, 2012 6:36:05pm
    Post: #18 
I'm starting a proper training thread, I will be bumping this thread daily.
My rate is 500 coins per billion EXP. I believe I'm probably the cheapest.
But being this cheap, there are a few problems. If you order training from me, it can take days depending on how much training you want.
I'm ADD, so I tend to get distracted quite a lot. If something isn't small and quick, I can get distracted from it for hours. I also don't like being bugged about training, I'll get to it when I get to it.

I prefer coloured pokemon (shadow, cursed, rainbow, luminous.) over recieving coins, and I'm less likely to want to train for these pokemon if I already have them. So keep that in mind, if you want me to train for you and I already have the pokemon you want to give me.
Do not offer shiny pokemon, I am not looking for them.

I'm not looking for any helpers at this current time.

I ask for payment before I finish training, (This stops me getting scammed for training), but because I ask for payment first, if I don't complete all the training you asked for I send whatever my prize was back and you get completely free training, this does NOT include if you take the loaned pokemon back. If this happens and you do not send another loan request for that pokemon then you forfeit the prize and you will be banned from recieving my training.

I do NOT check. You must offer a prize and I will tell you how many billion I believe it is (I go by Joey's list, if you don't like this, pay coins).

Fill in this form;

Pokemon:you chose if not regice
Prize:500 coins
EXPwhat you think is good for my amount of coins (If prize is coins):

the best times are those times with your smile
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April 08, 2012 3:17:27am
    Post: #19 
I hope you can do 40 bil Exp ^^
If yes,

Pokemon to be trained : Jellicent
Current level : 2886
Desire level : 4k
Prize :
CursedAxew ♂ - Level 483
CursedBonsly ♂ - Level 5
CursedDrifblim ♂ - Level 1005
CursedDrifblim ♂ - Level 670
CursedDusknoir ♂ - Level 608
CursedEmboar ♂ - Level 200
CursedFeebas ♂ - Level 5
CursedFeebas ♀ - Level 5
CursedFeebas ♂ - Level 5
CursedFeraligatr ♀ - Level 105
CursedHaxorus ♂ - Level 1000
CursedJolteon ♂ - Level 5
CursedSamurott ♀ - Level 419
CursedUnfezant ♀ - Level 337
LuminousDitto ♀ - Level 5
LuminousDitto ♀ - Level 5

Cursed Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Golden Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Luminous Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Rainbow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Shadow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Userbars : [you must login to view links]
Multi Art Thread : [you must login to view links]

Campt 's Amazing training : [you must login to view links]

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April 27, 2012 1:45:12am
    Post: #20 
It's been a little bit, lemme know if you still want training. I have a cap of 1billion exp for the moment, though.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 27, 2012 2:21:37am
    Post: #21 
could you train my lvl 1k jellicent to lvl 1.8k plz for a cursed skorupi and bonsly both base
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April 27, 2012 3:28:21am
    Post: #22 
"April 26, 2012 10:21:37pm""h4r13y" Wrote:  could you train my lvl 1k jellicent to lvl 1.8k plz for a cursed skorupi and bonsly both base

Yeah, I can. Make the loan and I'll start ASAP (depending on when you send the trade)

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 27, 2012 3:30:59am
    Post: #23 
ok ill send the trade in a few hours ok
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April 27, 2012 3:40:29am
    Post: #24 
trade sent you have 2hrs
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April 27, 2012 3:44:49am
    Post: #25 
2 hours to complete? I might be able to do most of it, but I have to go out soon D:

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 28, 2012 3:23:00pm
    Post: #26 
Bump. Now training ^^

Remember; 1billion cap.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 28, 2012 3:24:41pm
    Post: #27 
Hi Eon ^^
Long time no see ^^

Cursed Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Golden Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Luminous Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Rainbow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Shadow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Userbars : [you must login to view links]
Multi Art Thread : [you must login to view links]

Campt 's Amazing training : [you must login to view links]

Click below to take a wish!
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April 28, 2012 3:29:57pm
    Post: #28 
Hey there Campt ^^

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 28, 2012 3:31:14pm
    Post: #29 
How's the training?
Btw, how much you can do for max?

Cursed Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Golden Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Luminous Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Rainbow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Shadow Sprites : [you must login to view links]
Userbars : [you must login to view links]
Multi Art Thread : [you must login to view links]

Campt 's Amazing training : [you must login to view links]

Click below to take a wish!
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April 28, 2012 3:32:07pm
    Post: #30 
Probably about 4billion, not sure :c

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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