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Infinity Training
April 02, 2012 3:33:29pm (This post was last modified: May 08, 2012 12:22:36am by EonInfinity.)
    Post: #1 
Infinity Training

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I'm starting a proper training thread, I will be bumping this thread daily.
My rate is 500 coins per billion EXP. I believe I'm probably the cheapest.
But being this cheap, there are a few problems. If you order training from me, it can take days depending on how much training you want.
I'm ADD, so I tend to get distracted quite a lot. If something isn't small and quick, I can get distracted from it for hours. I also don't like being bugged about training, I'll get to it when I get to it.

I prefer coloured pokemon (shadow, cursed, rainbow, luminous.) over recieving coins, and I'm less likely to want to train for these pokemon if I already have them. So keep that in mind, if you want me to train for you and I already have the pokemon you want to give me.
Do not offer shiny pokemon, I am not looking for them.

I am looking for some helpers at this current time, just fill in this form;

Highest level pokemon:
Maximum training cap:

I'll edit a space near the start of the thread for the training infortmation of helpers.

I ask for payment before I finish training, (This stops me getting scammed for training), but because I ask for payment first, if I don't complete all the training you asked for I send whatever my prize was back and you get completely free training, this does NOT include if you take the loaned pokemon back. If this happens and you do not send another loan request for that pokemon then you forfeit the prize and you will be banned from recieving my training.

I do NOT check. You must offer a prize and I will tell you how many billion I believe it is (I go by Joey's list, if you don't like this, pay coins).

Fill in this form;

EXP (If prize is coins):

Training to be completed:

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 03, 2012 6:56:01am (This post was last modified: May 10, 2012 11:29:30pm by EonInfinity.)
    Post: #2 
These people you do not have to send the prize beforehand, but you would be better off sending me the prize at first, once they finish the trading I will send them the prize or if they can't complete the training, I will send you back your prize.
I would have thought I'd earnt some trust off some of the people I've trained for, and that they'd spread the word that I'm serious about all this.


Kameron Barakitty
trains to 1000.
Dead Account
trains up to 3000
trains to 1000

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 03, 2012 7:02:27am
    Post: #3 
Pokemon: LuminouseDitto
Prize: 200 coins
Exp:7 mill

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April 03, 2012 7:06:23am
    Post: #4 
"April 03, 2012 3:02:27am""Tippytippy" Wrote:  Pokemon: LuminouseDitto
Prize: 200 coins
Exp:7 mill

o-o 7 million?
I can do it to level 500 for that much, if you want. 7 million EXP seems a bit weird for that amount of coins ^^

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 03, 2012 9:21:15am
    Post: #5 
Never Mind 0.U

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April 03, 2012 10:23:17am
    Post: #6 
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April 03, 2012 11:29:08am
    Post: #7 
^it rates 500 coins per bill, no free ones,
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April 03, 2012 11:41:15am
    Post: #8 
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April 03, 2012 4:06:15pm
    Post: #9 
I'm confused TippyTippy, I just don't understand why 7 million EXP? o-o

Sorry Laxus, for a while I wont be training for free. I am loaning my lvl 1k's for free, though. If no one orders any training for a while I might open some free slots, but it'll only be to lvl 1k.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 03, 2012 4:09:36pm
    Post: #10 
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April 03, 2012 4:21:59pm
    Post: #11 
I can't do that for free Laxus ^^
I'll only be training from base to lvl 1000 for free, when I start again. Sorry.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 04, 2012 11:13:43am (This post was last modified: April 04, 2012 11:18:15am by EonInfinity.)
    Post: #12 
Bump. Still a little training to do, so there's a waiting list ^^

level 5 to level 1000 - costs 500 coins.
level 5 to level 2000 - costs 4000 coins.

Anything above that I'm not completely sure, so I'll just go by the billion there.

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 04, 2012 4:44:14pm
    Post: #13 
can u train my Golurk lvl 2683 to 3k
and how much coins or pokes u want ?
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April 04, 2012 5:13:36pm (This post was last modified: April 04, 2012 5:14:09pm by EonInfinity.)
    Post: #14 
I have to go by the billion for pokemon above level 2000, so you'll have to decide if you want a set amount of EXP, or if you just want me to go at it and then pay me later.

I'm thinking it's going to cost about 7000 coins, though.
(if someone can correct me on this, I'd be thankful.)

Trying to breed a Shiny Shinx in White!

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Made by the lovely harmony <3
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Infinity Training
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April 05, 2012 12:56:02am
    Post: #15 
Level: 2,683 - EXP: 19,313,545,987
Level: 3,000 - EXP: 27,000,000,000
this might help you Eon. :)

always looking to trade and sell my pokemon if you like any of them pm me and maby we can make a deal
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