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Smallest Number Game - Number Shortcuts - New Items
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Smallest Number Game - Number Shortcuts - New Items
July 25, 2011 11:32:30am (This post was last modified: July 25, 2011 11:39:38am by Dualot.)
    Post: #1 
Smallest Number Game - Number Shortcuts - New Items
Hey, well new updates again. 3 new updates including 3 new items!

Smallest Number Game - This is the new minigame we've added which is located in the "Games Corner". A simple game which requires coins to play, more information when clicked on the game.

Number Shortcuts - Well this is just a tiny update, but if you go to FAQ located under "other" on the right side you'll find it. It just basically tells you about what people mean when they say 50K, 50M, etc.

New Items - As many people has suggested this, Da Man has just added 3 new items to the game. Pecha Scarf, Exp. Share & Exp. all. This can be found in your City/town, then go to "The Streets" then "DarkAlley" and you should beable to find them.

*Pecha Scarf - This is where your pokemon cannot get poisoned at all.

*Exp. Share - When equiped to a Pokemon, whilst using a high level and training, the Pokemon equiped with this will get half the exp gained from that battle. So if you get 50000 experience points, your training Pokemon will get 25000 experience points, and the Pokemon equiped with exp. Share will also get 25000 experience points.

*Exp. All - Well this costs 2500 coins and 5x exp.shares. When equiped to a Pokemon and when battling, however many Pokemon you have in your party the exp gained will be split depending on how many Pokemon you have in your party. This is just a bit more useful so you don't have to equip 5 Pokemon and you won't waste time.


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