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The List.
August 27, 2017 7:56:56am
    Post: #91 
Well there were some, but that's okay, great work, grim :)

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September 02, 2017 6:28:34am
    Post: #92 
What is the rate of rainbow zigzagoon?
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September 02, 2017 11:53:34am
    Post: #93 
It will be updated when it's removed from the promo center!

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September 02, 2017 2:02:58pm
    Post: #94 
My small opinion ..

Luminous palkia should rate more than 50pk and shadow zapdos should rate around 400k..

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November 02, 2017 12:41:26pm (This post was last modified: November 02, 2017 12:42:57pm by GrimReaper.)
    Post: #95 
The List.
the Halloween event Pokemon have been added however they might be change in the near future if people feel they are too low or too high.

also I added CursedSeedot and RainbowZapdos to the list.

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November 02, 2017 2:16:38pm
    Post: #96 
ShadowEntei has been known to be around 25k-30k
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November 02, 2017 2:39:40pm
    Post: #97 
shadow suicune is better than many promos and it deserve to be in the 100k list . rate for shadow entei is fine . and many were rating r.zapdos 20k-25k.. ( well it wont rate this high , but still 14k is less).

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November 02, 2017 3:47:15pm
    Post: #98 
November 02, 2017 2:39:40pmrozario Wrote:  shadow suicune is better than many promos and it deserve to be in the 100k list . rate for shadow entei is fine . and many were rating r.zapdos 20k-25k.. ( well it wont rate this high , but still 14k is less).

Lol seriously?

There are 102 of them in game and all are active. Also it was 4950 coins promo. 14k is almost triple the promo center rate. Tbh, 14k is a lot for it.

I've bought like 6 or 7 for 8k each. (A few for 7k). Idk who rated them 20k-25k. Insane lol

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November 02, 2017 7:51:21pm
    Post: #99 
40k for Sha.Entei is fine.
Sha.Suicune on the other should be around 70-100k.

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November 03, 2017 3:42:50am
    Post: #100 
the rates are pretty reasonable, I presume the rate for exeggcute is based on it's rarity and not it's sprite?
Because that would be a rip

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January 02, 2018 3:15:25pm
    Post: #101 
What would be the rate of cursed entei and rainbow hoothoot
Kindly pls update the rate list
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June 19, 2018 3:57:30pm
    Post: #102 
tyvm Rowl the list is very useful
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June 19, 2018 3:58:26pm
    Post: #103 
tyvm Rowl the list is very useful
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August 14, 2018 9:21:15am
    Post: #104 
shinytyrantrum is more rare than all cursed tho... if you do the math correctly plus there are only 6 of them in the world so that make em even rarer and yes, sure you can catch them in the wild but htats why im encouraging you to do the damn math. i did the math once while e person was trying to trade with me but then i used an example of a makuhita which is almost as hard to get shiny as it is to get a specific cursed pokemon. but with tyrantrums case its 2.135x harder to find which also applies to the shiny version of it making it way harder to find than a specified cursed (it is actually easier to get a pokemon that isnt available anymore than getting a promo you want so dont even think about starting a discussion about that) and the same goes for tyrunt, tyrunt is aprox 1.7x harder to find which still adds up to the shiny part aswell making it rarer than a specified cursed aswell... and thats counting with the pokemon that pokemon creed doesnt have on here.

potatoes are col... end of discussion.
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November 02, 2018 1:48:20am
    Post: #105 
Pls update the rate list


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Thanks pragun^^
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