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EV's E-Mart
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EV's E-Mart
January 08, 2013 8:52:31am (This post was last modified: March 27, 2013 7:19:02am by EVevolution.)
    Post: #1 
EV's E-Mart
Welcome to EVevolution's E-Mart!
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Feel free to browse through my store
Members of [you must login to view links]

Rates for buying normal Pokemon:
5-10 coins each
Note: Above for base Pokemon
Unbase Pokemon:
20-30 coins each
No money excepted(for both)

The Items Counter
[you must login to view images]Pokeballs x1,170 -2 coins each
[you must login to view images] Great Balls x19 -3 coins each
[you must login to view images] Ultra Balls x17 -4 coins each
[you must login to view images] Everstone x8 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Dawnstone x7 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Shiny Stone x6 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images]Water Stone x5 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Sun Stone x5 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images]Thunder Stone x5 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Dusk Stone x5 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Leaf Stone x4 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Fire Stone x4 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Moon Stone x4 -5 coins each
[you must login to view images] Old Rod x1 -15 coins

Pokemon Look-out Point
Do YOU have these Pokemon?


Make a post regarding this and THEN create a trade to me if i agree.

Berry Farm
Welcome to EV's Berry Farm
Here you will find three types of berries
The Pecha,Sitrus and Oran Berry.Occasionally,there will be a discount on the berries,so check back often.
The main parts of the farm are the Berry Shop,Berry Vault and Berry News.

Berry Shop
[you must login to view images]Pecha Berry x150
[you must login to view images]---The other berries are in midst of harvesting,come back later!---[you must login to view images]

Berry Vault[you must login to view images]
Donations are welcome to provide you with better service.Coin,money,point or Pokemon donation hugely welcome and needed.All funds go into upgrading the Berry Farm.Click on spoiler to view history.


19 March 2013 EVevolution $2,000,000

Berry News
Berry News #1
The berry farm has opened!
Well,here at the berry farm,berries are growing quite happily!Thanks to the nice garden that the Estate Agency provides us with!
Too bad it's not that good...the berries still grow so slowly!
At the Estate Agency...
Estate Agency Man:'s not our fault,you need to 'upgrade' your house...from cottage to maybe something bigger and better with Garden Slots...
EV: Well...gimme some coins then,since your so rich!
Estate Agency Man: No!I'm broke like hell...what you pay goes to the tax for selling houses...they say you can buy a house for a dollar but the tax is gonna make you vomit blood!
EV: What's the tax rate then?
Estate Agency Man: It's 99.999999999999999999.... percent of the earnings,for me.
EV: How come I don't get the tax?
Estate Agency Man: Cause you're not selling houses
EV: Then where do the coins go then?
Estate Agency Man: Nowhere.
EV: By chance you've any berries to spare?
Estate Agency Man: Yes.I'll send them to you...
Event Pops up: You've been sent a Pecha Berry from Estate Agency Man!
EV: 1 Berry...should've asked him to give me a garden slot for free...
The End
The planters guide to planting GOOD BERRIES,the faulty version.
A little reminder before reading the do not get free stuff from get 1 mil dollars!But first,read the guide.
Hello there,player!
Welcome to my guide! Do YOU want to plant berries?Yes?Read On! No?Don't waste your time,see the merchandise instead!
How to plant berries.
I'm sure you know how,first,you need to buy a house with a garden slot.At least a garden slot will do.Or you just upgrade your house.
Next,buy a berry,whatever berry will do,i'm giving out free berries,Click here to get a free pecha berry!
You'll AT LEAST need to buy an abandoned house....if you don't have coins,Click here to get free 250 coins!
Then,you wait.During your waiting time,you can do other stuff on creed or somewhere else and when time is up,harvest it!
Thanks for reading this guide! Click here to get the reward!
A note from the author:
Contains many dangerous hyperlinks!Beware of where you click!

Berry rare items
[you must login to view images] Blue Shard x1-1k coins
[you must login to view images] Sapphire x1 -1.9K coins.
[you must login to view images] Blue Santa Hat x1 -200-800 coins.

Berry Workers(Not recruiting now)

Recruitment Center
Not recruiting.

The monthly paycheck log click on the spoiler to see the log.

March Berries sold 6 Amt for worker(s) pay 6 coins
April Berries sold ? Amt for worker(s) pay ?

Berry Farm Tours

Welcome to the Berry Farm,the behind-the-scenes generator for EV's E-Mart's Berries!
Here we have the Berry News and once a week there will be a new Berry Weekly Paper!Starting on 20th March!
Now we have the Berry Vault.
The Berry Vault is a place for players to donate either money,coins or points to upgrade the Farm.Berry Farm updates like the number of berries produced each day as well as the special items on sale at the Berry Shop.
The Berry Shop
The Berry Shop sells Berries and occasionally,shinies as well as special items.The Berry has it's own exclusive Berry Store Branch at the EV's E-Mart where it sells top rated berries as well as some random items that we found during harvesting!
Berry Workers
Berry Workers get a monthly paycheck that is 'unstable'.Anyone with a garden slot and is planting berries is available for applying.
The paycheck
For every berry the Berry Farm sells,each berry farm worker gets ( the cost of a berry divided by number of berry workers)

Berry Graphics
Updating in the meantime.

Have a nice day and come back soon to patronise the E-Mart as well as the Berry Farm!

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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January 08, 2013 8:54:02am
    Post: #2 
sh. thundurus and sh. dratini for 250 coins

site to download adobe photoshop for making userbar and many other useful things
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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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January 08, 2013 9:22:58am
    Post: #3 
waiting for more deals,i'll check you first and bump,i mean, Pokemon bump
Rates for the cursed:
C.Koffing: 800 coins
C.Audino: 800 coins
C.Skarmony: 1.1k Coins(i might consider taking it off so pls offer)
Ash you can send trade to my storage account as you can see,i don't have them in this account,i'll check later.

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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January 08, 2013 4:05:14pm
    Post: #4 
shiny dratini for 100 coins?

[IMG][/IMG ]
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January 08, 2013 11:02:28pm
    Post: #5 
Trade Created for Cursed Audino.
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January 09, 2013 5:21:00am
    Post: #6 
You have successfully completed LOTIO's trade!
rigbone and ash,i'm still deciding....

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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January 09, 2013 5:27:11am
    Post: #7 
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January 10, 2013 6:17:33am
    Post: #8 
C.Skarm removed.

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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January 10, 2013 6:47:48am
    Post: #9 
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January 10, 2013 7:30:33am
    Post: #10 
How much for one Shiny? Is there any offer to make if i buy all nine?

Pokemoncreed's King/Queen
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I learn my rules from not learning the rules.

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January 10, 2013 8:02:30am
    Post: #11 
have u decided ? can u or i trade?

site to download adobe photoshop for making userbar and many other useful things
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^thanz a lot to arsenic. :)
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January 15, 2013 8:03:39am
    Post: #12 
January 10, 2013 1:47:48amfrag1234 Wrote:  ill buy koffing. create trade when ready :)

please be noted,frag,the koffing costs 800 coins,not 80 coins.
Oh,and just removing Sy. Dratini
C. Audino Sold.
C.Skarm and the other colored im not selling in my box is alrdy made NFT,just in case some noob comes makes a noob trade
Fellow newbies of creed,PLEASE be minded that no matter how much you want that Pokemon in another player's box,example a C. Audino, NEVER create "noob" trades that will most likely rip that player off,no one likes to be ripped off right?
I'm sure if you are a newbie who has just joined creed,crixus has created a thread in the market/trades section for newbies and there is a free stuff thread in the general discussions thread.I know Mountain Dew(kira) randomly gives Shinies to new players but seriously,she only gives when she has extras and of course,no offense,use a bit of sense.
Who would trade for something like a colored, which are hard to get,for a normal map pokemon( map means ones that you can capture on the maps)?

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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January 15, 2013 10:39:11am
    Post: #13 
what shinys u have left?

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January 15, 2013 10:44:00am
    Post: #14 
well spoken in ur last post EV somehow if i get trades its always a new player offering 40 maps for my g.ray...

2 time creed olympic fishing champion!
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thnx to I am Legend
thnx sweety
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You have just won Damian's RainbowRayquaza from the race! October 06, 2011 10:09:18am

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February 27, 2013 6:02:45am
    Post: #15 
Bump it i am going to rename it EV's-E-Mart
hehehe.....soon i am going to add items onto this post then the normal pokemon VERY soon

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All above made by me
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My E-Mart,Check it out.
Click below to take a wish!
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