
Pokemon Creed Forums < Rattata's Music Rave < Any songs with no lyrics?
Any songs with no lyrics?
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Any songs with no lyrics?
February 03, 2013 9:09:32pm
    Post: #1 
Any songs with no lyrics?
I do A-level dance, and so, my teacher is always pushing me to get non lyrical songs, as they seem to detract from the dance. I need some ideas for some non-lyrical songs, as most of the stuff I listen to are either lyrical, or erratic.
Please help if you can, and thank you

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February 03, 2013 9:13:01pm
    Post: #2 
Well there are some pretty awesome songs in the electric genres like you said but I think my favorite one if you have never heard of it before is Bingo Players Rattle Remix. There are a lot of remixes and they are all pretty good in my opinion. Also Avici Levels is awesome.
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February 03, 2013 10:12:24pm
    Post: #3 
Nicky Romero - Toulouse

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^^^ ty XxxchloxxX =3
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^^^ tyvm Raggedy Swagg for this ****y siggy :3

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Ty BigA916 ^ :3

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February 04, 2013 5:14:25pm
    Post: #4 
February 03, 2013 5:12:24pmTheMirorOfLife Wrote:  Nicky Romero - Toulouse

nyan cat
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February 07, 2013 6:27:04am
    Post: #5 
Curnow - Where Never Lark or Eagle Flew
Clare Grundman - A Copland Tribute

River Flows in You - Yiruma

Amazing Grace
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February 11, 2013 6:05:05pm
    Post: #6 
Thank you guys so much, been listening to all of these, and seeing if they work with my dance. If anyone else has any ideas, I have to choose some more music though ^.^
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February 11, 2013 6:27:56pm
    Post: #7 
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February 11, 2013 6:40:34pm
    Post: #8 
Have you ever heard Harlem Shake? It has a bit of lyrics but not really any

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^thanks MaD Roby^
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^thanks Hot Dog^
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February 11, 2013 6:47:42pm
    Post: #9 
Check out Moby Dick by Led Zeppelin. It's a fifteen minute drum solo with some guitar at the very beginning and end of the song. [you must login to view links]

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February 11, 2013 8:56:17pm
    Post: #10 
Sandstorm by Darude. I like it because I get faster and faster then all the sudden slower and slower until a huge bang. Then it starts up again

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February 11, 2013 9:20:57pm
    Post: #11 
if ur looking for music with no words in it.. just try to get some of the techno stuff... im not really in to that kinda stuff.. but i know some ppl get in to just the song parts
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February 12, 2013 5:53:08am
    Post: #12 
mendeleson- songs without words
:) classical music. and it literally is songs without words

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^thanks harmony ^.^ decided to add it after I found it in my gmail
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February 12, 2013 5:55:24am
    Post: #13 
song's without words are called Instrumental's ahaha

i know alot... but the music is metal and rock


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February 12, 2013 3:16:57pm
    Post: #14 
hmm lol i have heard to only a very few non-lyrical songs but i have a list of non-lyrical songs if you want .

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February 12, 2013 6:58:58pm
    Post: #15 
Wow. Seriously, so many to listen to. However, I can't say I didn't do research to my teacher :P
Thank you so much guys, and whoever is still there, I am still looking for more, in particular, Acoustic guitar songs, because I need one for a slow dance I've got.
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